Port Royale 4 PC Keyboard Controls & PC Key Bindings - MGW

Port Royale 4 PC Keyboard Controls & PC Key Bindings

Port Royale 4 PC Keyboard Controls & PC Key Bindings

Print out or refer to the following list of PC keyboard commands and controls for Port Royale 4. The following list of hotkeys is the ones that come by default with the game.



Default Key Bindings

  • Camera Left – A


  • Camera Right – D


  • Camera Up – W


  • Camera Down – S


  • Rotate Camera + – Q


  • Rotate Camera – – E


  • Camera to the North – N


  • Camera Zoom + – R


  • Camera Zoom – – F


  • Game Speed + – +


  • Game Speed – – –


  • Switch Through Convoys – TAB + Shift


  • Pause Game – Space


  • Construction Mode – B


  • Quick Save – F8


  • Center Convoy – T


  • End Music Track – P


  • Mini Map – M


  • Tips & Tricks – F1


  • Journal – F3


  • Captains – F4


  • Business – F5


  • Viceroy – F6


  • Trade Routes – H


  • Convoys & Towns – F2


  • Toggle town/warehouse – Y


  • Nautical Chart: Additional Info – Alt


  • Last Convoy Arrives – Enter


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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