Song of the Prairie: Beginner's Guide - Essential Tips for New Players - MGW

Song of the Prairie: Beginner’s Guide – Essential Tips for New Players

Song of the Prairie: Beginner's Guide - Essential Tips for New Players

Fed up with rescuing the world? Now’s your chance to swap your blade for a farming tool! Song of the Prairie welcomes you to a peaceful realm the Goddess has blessed, an area free from strife and full of opportunities. As a battle-hardened champion looking for a calmer existence, you’ll end up in Prairie Town, a neglected settlement ready for a new start.


This starter guide will give you key pointers to help you adjust to your new farming life. We’ll go over all you should know to succeed in this perfect world, from planting your initial seeds to creating strong ties with your neighbors.



Discovering and Naming Wild Baby Animals

As you wander around, you’ll spot wild baby animals. Scoop them up and put them in the right pen that’s being built to give them names and welcome them into your farm family.



Delving into the Mines

You can reach the next mine level by jumping off the edge, which takes away 30hp. On each floor, search for a medium-sized ore away from the walls—it contains a portal to the next level. Floors 1-29 have copper, 30-59 have iron, and 60+ have silver nodes.



Using the Shovel

When you go to the mines, take your shovel with you to dig through piles of gravel. This helps you find useful stuff like glass, nitrate, and clay. You’ll need these to farm and make things. I never forget to bring my shovel when I visit the mines.



Managing Edible Items

The food you can eat gives you Health, PE (Stamina), or fills your Hunger. Some of these items can even become animal food, so think carefully about what you eat.



Tool Skills and PE Usage

Every tier of tool has a skill rank. If your skill isn’t up to par, using the tool will eat up huge amounts of PE. For instance, a Gold Hammer is Rank A—make sure your Mining skill matches to use it well.



Processing and Cooking

Processing crops in the Brewer doesn’t boost their sell price or the PE you get when you eat them. You can cook the same dish with different recipes, but its base sell price stays the same. Use cheaper ingredients to cut costs.



Trees and Seeds

Trees on your farm won’t grow back if you chop them down, but trees in other places will. Use your shovel on stumps to get seeds and plant new ones as needed.



Hair Styles from Carow

Carow has new hairstyles every day. To cut costs, create a manual save before you learn a new style. If you’re not happy with it, load your save and try again tomorrow.



Save Scumming to Get Better Crops

To obtain silver and gold quality crops, prepare and water the soil, then save your game. Plant your seeds and if you don’t like the outcome, load your save and try again.



Fruit Trees

The vibrant trees near Du’s Orchard and Back Hill Station are fruit trees that change with the seasons. You can pick their fruit to make juice or sell it. When the season ends, cut them down and remove the stumps to get seeds.



Things You Can Break in Town

Keep your eyes peeled for objects you can break in town cauldrons. These often hold ancient coins. I always check for these as I explore the area.



Shopkeeper Assignments

Ask shopkeepers to go on trips to find items for you. As they check out new places, they’ll return with better stuff. Make sure to save before sending them off so you can try again if needed.



Weekend Market NPCs

A market pops up around the guild on weekends with random NPCs. Make friends with them to get them to move into town and help out on your farm.



Limitless Backpack

Your backpack has no limits, so you can carry all your stuff with you all the time.



Fishing Mechanics

When you’re fishing, pull the fish in right when it bites. You use up energy when you catch something, not when you cast, so you can throw your line back in for free to try for specific fish types.



Giving Better Tools to Farm Workers

You can provide your farm workers with tools of higher quality. Create an extra tool for them and hand it over at the worker’s station under the “change clothes” option.



Monday’s New Requests

New requests show up on the Notice Board by the Guild every Monday. Complete tasks and turn them in at the board or straight to the person who asked for rewards and friendship points (FP).



Shifting Chests Around

You can shift chests without emptying them, which makes organizing much easier. This feature is great for changing up your farm layout.



Giving Clothes as Gifts to NPCs

You can give clothes and accessories as gifts to NPCs, but once they put them on, they’ll keep wearing them forever.



Saving Your Progress

Keep in mind the different save slot types. Quick Save puts your game in the auto save slot, not the manual save slot. Make a manual save before you switch games so you don’t lose your progress.



Getting the Most Money from Beehives

You can sell beehives for 300G. If you break them, you get nectar worth 100G and can turn it into food that sells for 25G. To make the most money, don’t break your beehives.


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