POSTAL 4: No Regerts Cheats PC: every cheat code and console command
Game Guides, General Guides /
15 Oct 2019
Well, for those of you in need of said codes, we’ve got you covered here at Magic Game World. We’ve collected all of the known codes for POSTAL 4: No Regerts that have been made available thus far and organized them in a right proper way so you can find out how to do them and understand what they do.
Press the T key to drop the developer console. (Enter the following commands with the forward-slash /alamode etc.)
Effect – Command
- God mode …. alamode
- All weapons …. packnheat
- Extra ammo …. payload
- All weapons/god mode …. iamsolame
- Extra doughnuts …. piggytreats
- Extra money …. jewsforjesus
- Extra dog treats …. boyandhisdog
- Extra catnip …. iamtheone
- Extra cats …. lotsapussy
- Extra health pipes …. jones
- All radar items …. swimwithfishes
- Rocket camera …. fireinyourhole
- Body armor …. blockmyass
- Gimp suit …. smackdatass
- Police uniform …. iamthelaw
- Full health/medkits …. healthful
- Clipping …. ifeelfree
- Flight mode …. likeabirdy
- No Clipping (Walk Through Walls) …. Ghost
- Disables flight and ghost modes …. walk
- Lots of Doughnuts …. PiggyTreats
- Lots of Health Pipes …. Jones
- All Non-Players become Gary …. Whatchutalkinbout
- All Non-Players become Fanatics …. Osama
- Change Guns to have Cats on them …. RockinCats
- Removes Cat Repeating Guns …. DokkinCats
- Slow Motion … slomo
- Stop Every Non-Triggered Action …. playersonly
- Scissors machine gun …. nowwedance
- One shot kills …. headshots
- When gun is shooting cats, cats will ricochet …. boppincats
- Disables ricocheting cats …. splodincats
- Reset Day to Monday …. Setday
- disables Slow-Motion …. slomo 1
- Changes to third person view …. BEHINDVIEW 1 (0 to toggle)
- Set the day, all errands before that day completed …. SetDay()
- Set all errands complete, turns on hat player groups …. SetAllErrandsComplete()
- Reset all errands, make hate groups not hate anymore …. SetAllErrandsUnComplete()
- Toggle all non-player triggered animations and actions to stop …. playersonly
- Reset police and wanted status …. ResetCops()
- Set the day, reload level for that day …. WarpToDay()
- Set all of today’s errands as complete, turns on hate player groups …. SetTodaysErrandsComplete()