PC Controls & Key Bindings - Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander - MGW

PC Controls & Key Bindings – Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander

PC Controls & Key Bindings - Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander

This article lists the default controls used for Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander on the PC.



Default Key Bindings & Hotkeys

  • Move/Follow – M


  • Rotate – R


  • Strafe – Z


  • Attack – T


  • Gather/Salvage/Mine Resources – G


  • Local Hyper-Jump – J


  • Halt – H or Shift + H


  • Invert Collision Avoidance – X


  • Toggle Direct Control Mode – Ctrl + D


  • Direct Control: Toggle Weapons Control – Ctrl + Alt + W


  • Direct Control: Toggle Auto Face Cursor – Ctrl + F


  • Direct Control: Forward – W


  • Direct Control: Reverse – S


  • Direct Control: Rotate Left – A


  • Direct Control: Rotate Right – D


  • Direct Control: Strafe Left – Q


  • Direct Control: Strafe Right – E


  • Direct Control: Brake/Coast – Shift


  • Direct Control: Lock Target – Alt


  • Thrusters: Toggle Auto Fire – Alt + A


  • Ship/Part Selection – Left Click


  • Select Parts – Ctrl


  • Append Selection – Shift


  • Show Command Handles – Shift


  • Target Weapon – T


  • Cancel Weapon Targets – H


  • Show/Hide Galaxy Map – Ctrl + G


  • Show Career Log – L


  • Engage Hyper-Jump – Ctrl + J


  • Cancel Hyper-Jump – Shift + J


  • Toggle UI – Ctrl + Shift + U


  • Quick-Save – Ctrl + S


  • Quick-Load – Ctrl + L


  • Pause/Unpause – Space or Pause


  • Increase Speed – Page Up


  • Decrease Speed – Page Down


  • Select All Ships – Ctrl + A


  • Select All Parts – Ctrl + Shift + A


  • Chat – Enter


  • Add/Rename/Delete Custom Marker – Ctrl + M


  • Detonate Explosive Charge – Ctrl + Shift + D


  • Target Tractor Beam – Ctrl + T


  • Aim Ion Prism – Ctrl + P


  • Cancel Tractor Beam – Ctrl + Shift + T


  • Weapon: Auto Fire – Alt + A


  • Boost Mode On/Off – Ctrl + B


  • Launch Mines – N


  • Toggle Team Chat – Ctrl + T


  • Show Scoreboard – Tab



Crew Management

PC Controls & Key Bindings - Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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