Fire Game Walkthrough 100% - MGW

Fire Game Walkthrough 100%

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Walkthrough 100%

Apple Tree

Return to the left and click on the village gate. Pick up the bone and throw it over the gate to get a coin (1/30) Blunga 1. Click on the gate and pick up another bone, then head right. Throw the bone at the apple, then pull the snake’s tail. Go right and pick up the trident from the ground, then return left and use the trident on the snake’s tail. Now pick up the bone and throw it at the apple so you can pick up the apple and eat it Mjam-Mjam.


Click on the coin (2/30) in the tree, then go right. Pull the handle 3 times and collect the third coin (3/30), then walk on to the first pedestal. Pull the handle twice more and move right, then pull it twice again and move to the final pedestal. Pull the handle twice to lift yourself up, then click on the firefly to release it Onk Boga I.




After the firefly is inhaled by the dinosaur, go left and step on the tail, then head to the right. Pull the red rope to reveal the dinosaur’s brain. Click on the brain Sniarb! and the mouth will open. Go back to the left, climb down the tail, and walk right twice to enter the dinosaur. Click on the coin (4/30) hiding behind the leaves at the top left. Pick up the green creature and click on the 7th uvula, then take another coin (5/30) Blunga 5 from under the dinosaur’s claw. Click on the 1st uvula, then return to the left.


Pull the red rope revealed beneath the dinosaur’s front claw and the brain will be shown again. Click on the brain twice to open the nostril, and use your green creature on it. Click on the brain once more, then enter the dinosaur again – now the firefly is getting closer to the right side. Exit the dinosaur by going left, pull the rope under the claw and click on the brain once to lift up the dinosaur’s tail. Go left and grab the third coin (6/30), and pick up the green creature. Return right and pull the rope under the claw, then click on the brain once. Use your creature on the nostril, then click on the brain again before entering the mouth – now the firefly will be ejected through the pipe.


Go left again and click on the right rock spine, then the middle one, then the left one. Pull the rope beneath the claw again and click the brain once. Go left and click on the firefly to release it Onk Boga II.



Rain Maker

Take the coin (7/30) from hidden behind the leaves to the left of the tent. Click on the native to see him dance. Head right and try to push the pink pot, but it is blocked by the rock on the path. Continue right and try to take the meat from the far right, but you will fall down the left hole. Try again but quickly move your cursor over the right hole, and you will fall down the right hole to find another coin (8/30). Try once more, but now move your cursor over the right hole and quickly remove it to get safely over to the meat.


Head left and click on the sun to change it to night-time. Continue left and hit the gong with the meat, then click on the native Bzzzzzz and take his staff. Return to the right and move your cursor over the top of the dirty column repeatedly to clean it. Now click on the middle 3 stars above you to cause 3 of the holes in the column to light up. Now that you are holding the staff, click on the rain rock. After the cloud moves, click on the 2 stars that are revealed and the tent will open. Once this is done, click on all of the stars to find the third coin (9/30). Take the flower from the pot in the tent, and put it into the pot on the path. Go right and pull the tail of the elephant, then return left and click on the moon to return to daytime. Wait for both rocks to be off the path and quickly click on the sun again. Now click on the pot to send it down the path safely. Take the staff, then go left.


With the staff in hand, click on the rain rock here, and the plant in the pot will grow. Shake the tree, then go right and pick up the fruit. Go right and put it in the elephant’s trunk. Pull the elephant’s tail again to shoot the fruit over to the right and make a hole above the firefly. Pull the elephant’s tail once more to blow the cloud to the right. Return left and take the staff, then go right and click on the rain rock. Click on the firefly to release it Onk Boga III.



Music Maker

Try to take the red fruit but it keeps moving away. Watch for some eyes in the trees in the middle of the screen and click on them to reveal a small green creature. Go left and take the red fruit, then feed it to the creature. Click on a set of eyes to find one more green creature. Go right and click twice on the red fruit so that it disappears. Continue right and quickly get the red fruit before it disappears – feed this to one of the creatures. Click on two more sets of eyes to find two more green creatures. Clean the column and take another red fruit, feeding it to another of the creatures (you should now have 1 green and 3 red creatures following you around). Click on the coin (10/30) Blunga 10 hiding behind the large flower on the right. Go left twice and click on the hidden coin (11/30) just to the right of the large beak. Try to get the firefly from the nest, then quickly get the red fruit when the large beak moves. Give this to the last green creature to turn it red.


Go right and click on the sad native. Change the heights of the 4 red creatures to 1-3-2-3, then click on the sad native again and he will disappear. Pick up the meat and go left to feed it to one of the chicks. Return right and click on the happy native. Change the heights of the 4 red creatures to 3-1-1-2, then click on the happy native again and he will disappear. Pick up the meat and go left to feed it to another one of the chicks. Head right twice and click on the disco native. Change the heights of the 4 red creatures to 2-2-3-1, then click on the disco native again and he will disappear Danka, Lagga, Wonwon. Pick up the meat and go left twice to feed it to the final chick. Change the heights of the 4 red creatures to 0-1-2-3 to get the third coin (12/20). Click on the firefly to release it Onk Boga IV.



Shape Changer

Click on the spider web, and keep clicking on it and following it 2 screens to the right. When it is above the zipper, open the zipper, then pick up the rock from the ground and put it on the circle to the right. Pick up the rock that has been revealed on the left, and go left to place it on one of the brown circles. Go left and pick up a rock, then come back and put it on another circle. Go right and grab the 3rd rock, then come back and put it on the final circle – you have created a transformation machine.


Step on the glowing circle to the right – to attempt to transform, select one of each of the 3 positions for each rock and click on the head; try every one of the 27 options to receive a coin (13/30). Change into a bee and go left, then click on the blue and orange flower to get some pollen and deposit it in the closed orange flower. Get some more blue pollen and fly right 2 screens, then try to put the pollen into the closed orange flower – the large worm will swallow you. Go left and change into a mouse. Continue left and turn the middle part of the tree until the gate at the bottom opens, then enter the gate to push the cork out from the top. Go right and change back to your normal form.


Pick up the cork, then go right and put it in the butt of the large worm. Next go left and change into a bee again. Grab some blue pollen from the screen on the left, then head right twice and put the pollen into the closed orange flower – the worm will explode BumBum. Put the pollen into the flower here. Go left and change into a bear. Pick up a small rock and take it right, putting it on the circle on the right. Now go 2 screens to the left and take the large rock at the bottom left; return right twice and put the large rock in the hand. Pick up the small rock again and go back to put it on the circle on the screen to the left.


Now you need to get the spinning part of the two trees facing opposite directions. Go to the left screen and stand on the tree stump, then spin the tree and the branch will hit you in the head; make this happen 3 times in total. Now change back into a mouse. Go left and enter the small cave that was previously hidden by the large rock. Click on the coin (14/30) at the top right, then move your cursor through the maze to the bottom left. If you successfully positioned the trees the first time, you will get the third coin (15/30) Blunga 15. Change back into your normal form, then go right and click on the firefly to release it Onk Boga V.



Techno Monkeys

Go right twice and take the banana, then return left twice and give it to the monkey. Pick up the battery and go right, placing the battery on the left circle. Go right again and type the keys on the keyboard where the monkey’s tail is revealed (KW7T3) then quickly press the red button. Pick up the battery and go left, placing the battery on the right circle. Stand on the second circle from the left and click on the large black cellphone; the monkey that appears will take the banana that appears and leave again. Go left and click on the rock board to solve a series of 5 puzzles:


2nd option (square)

3rd option (southwest arrow)

1st option (O just above X)

1st option (both bottom right)

2nd option (purple, blue, yellow)


You will get a coin (16/30) and an achievement IQ62 for getting them all right first time, and you will also get some glasses. Now when you move the mouse cursor around you will see a magnified view with some extra details. Look at the QR code at the top left of the screen to see “2___”, and at the QR code on the rock board to see “__6_”. Go right and look at the QR code to see “___0”, then continue right and look at the QR code to see “_8__”. Return left and look just above the blue machine on the left to find another coin (17/30). Click on the banana button on the cellphone and enter the code 2860. There are now a series of 5 games to play:


Camera: select 2nd from top and 2nd from right on the sliders

Pig: just click on the farm plot to slowly build a barn – don’t pay anything and you will get the third coin (18/30)

Email: click the reply button and then the heart

Fire: just wait and you will fall asleep

Browser: close all the pop-up windows Onk Boga VI



Outer Space

Head right 5 screens (move your mouse cursor over the planets to make the corresponding black holes disappear as needed). When you reach the floating pieces of landscape, click the correct pieces to fill the spaces as indicated; get this correct on 3 consecutive screens to get a coin (19/30). Continue right and use the red button to shoot the space invaders 1978. Continue right.


Use your spacesuit to float past the black holes on multiple screens. Once you reach land again, continue right and click the flag to get another coin (20/30) Blunga 20. Continue right and you will sit inside an artillery building. Shoot the planet to get the third coin (21/30), then shoot 20 spaceships, and the firefly will be released Onk Boga VII.



Light Bugs

Take the coin (22/30) partially hidden behind the mountain. Talk to the man about everything you can, and you will end up with items to combine in your inventory:


Meat + pig = bone

Bone + sharp stone = axe

Axe + carving = round stone

Axe + rooster = meat

Meat + pig = bone

Bone + round stone = key


Use the key on the lock, then go right into the cave. Wait for the bug to create a light, then take the light bug and move it through a series of mazes at the top of the screen; you should find a coin (23/30), a Pi symbol, and then another light bug. Get the light bug to follow your light back into the main cavern and into a light container on the right. Put your bug back in the first light container, then head right. Grab the light bug from the top right container and lure another red bug back to the top right (avoiding the purple creature) to get the third coin (24/30). Explore a passage to the top left to see an Axe symbol. Get the 3 light bugs into the 3 containers at the bottom, then continue right.


Click on 4 of the symbols on the wall: the pi, axe, two lines with a dot, and trident. Now jump on the tentacles to guide the monster’s head to the other purple area in the water: right, up, right, left, up, left, right, up, right, up, down, right, down, right and down. After the girl jumps on the monster’s head, guide it back to the first purple area: up, left, up, left, up, down, left, down, left, right, down, right, left, down and left Blubb. Pick up the woman and head left. Place the woman on one of the squares on the floor and stand on the other, then pick her up and go left again. Continue left out of the cave; you will automatically release the firefly Onk Boga VIII.



Time Travel

Pull the left snowflake twice to lower the left wall and melt the time travel chair. Pull the right snowflake twice to lower the middle wall, then take the coin (25/30) Blunga 25. Use the chair and click on the red light to go to the Prehistoric Age. Take the coin (26/30) from the top left, then click on the small brown plant and it will move to the right. Use the chair and click on the green light to go to the Present Day. Collect the third coin (27/30) from the bottom left, and take the caterpillar from the plant. Use the chair to return to the Prehistoric Age, and put the caterpillar into the hole on the left. Use the chair and click on the blue light to return to the Ice Age.


Pull the middle snowflake 3 times to raise the middle wall, then use the chair to head to the Present Day. The boat will sink and a bottle will be left floating in the water; there should also be a whirlwind near the plant. Use the chair to go to the Prehistoric Age, click on the plant to move it to the other hole, then return to the Present Day again. Pick up the empty bottle now that you can reach it, and use it to collect water from the small pool. Go back to the Prehistoric Age. Click on the plant to move it to the right, and use your bottle of water on the spout emitting brown steam to heat it up. Use the chair to return to the Ice Age once more.


Pour your heated water on the frozen plant. Give the empty bottle to the one-eyed creatures, then click on the plant to get the butterfly. Go to the Prehistoric Age and the butterfly will eat the caterpillar ParaPara!. Click on one of the one-eyed creatures in the pool and they will combine. Use the chair to go to the Ice Age and pull the left snowflake twice. Click on the firefly to release it Onk Boga IX.




Pick up the fire wand on the ground to the left, then head right twice. Move your cursor over the dirty rock to clean it and reveal 4 holes. Click on the middle floating head from the middle group, then use the fire wand on the fire stone to change the location of the smoke stacks. Now click on the top and right floating heads from the left group. Use the fire wand on the fire stone again, then click on the bottom right floating head from the right group. After you automatically drop the fire wand, go through the cave entrance.


Go right and pick up the bone. Return left and throw the bone at the fruit on the tree, then pick up the fruit. Go back through the cave entrance and put the fruit in the elephant’s trunk. Pull the elephant’s tail and it will shoot the fruit at the bat, which will drop a trident then fly left. Go through the cave, get the empty bottle, then go back through the cave and head left twice. Put the bottle on top of the blue geyser, then wait for the bat to fly nearby and press the blue button to shoot it Kokakoka – you will get a coin (28/30) if you hit it the first time. Go right twice and pick up the fallen trident, then go through the cave entrance and head right. Use the trident on the chain to create a stable rock bridge. Go to the lit platform and you will transform into a bear.


Head left and pick up the large rock. Go through the cave entrance and head left, then use the rock on the hole in the lava. Return right, through the cave and right again, then stand on the platform to change back. Go left, through the cave and left again, then pick up the glasses. Look at the QR code here (you may be blocking it initially), then go left and look at 2 more QR codes, and remember their symbols. Head right twice and go through the cave. Look at the yellow part of the sky here and click on another coin (29/30), then go right and look at the final QR code. Now press the 4 symbols on the doorway here corresponding to the codes: equals sign, axe, leaf on rock and exclamation mark on side. Enter the cave and pick up the torch, then use it on the fire AKRE!


To get the final coin (30/30), play this level again and open the door with the 4 codes without first getting the glasses Blunga 30.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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