Colony Survival - All Console Commands & Cheats - MGW

Colony Survival – All Console Commands & Cheats

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Most common cheats

/cheats on – Enables cheats for the user


/setflight true – enable flying mode. Press F to toggle between flying and walking.


/loot <item name> # – for example, /loot bread 100, can also do /loot <item name> # [player], to give items to a specific player


/lootall {amount} – Gives the user a certain amount of every notable item.


/time add # – for example, /time add 12 to skip half a day. Use a negative number to go back in time


/setgroup <group name> <player name> – change the status of a player. Can be entered into the server for multiplayer purposes. For example /setgroup king Pipliznl.




  • peasant. Can’t use cheats.


  • king. King can loot, fly, teleport and change time.


  • emperor. Can do the above, and whitelist and blacklist players. Can promote people


  • to king.


  • godemperor. Can do the above, and promote people to emperor.


  • god. Has all permissions.



Teleport commands

/teleport npc {npcid} – Teleports you a specific NPC


/teleport {banner/npcshop/crate} – Teleports to nearest banner, npcshop or crate


/teleport {x} {y} {z} – Teleports to specific coordinates


/teleport colony {colony name} – Teleports to specific colony


/teleportother {player} {banner/here} – Teleports a user either to you or their nearest banner


/teleportother {player} {x} {y} {z} – Teleports a user to specific coordinates




/whitelist add {player} – Adds a player to the whitelist


/whitelist remove {player} – Removes a player from the whitelist


/blacklist add {player} – Adds a player to the blacklist


/blacklist remove {player} – Removes a player from the blacklist



Debug commands

/debug researchall – Unlocks all research for the colony


/debug printhappinessdata – Dumps happiness information for a colony to happybalance.csv in the server directory


/debug printbiome – Displays information about the current biome


/debug printbiomerough – Displays information about the biomes hill multiplier and offset


/debug printbiomeprecise – Displays information about the biomes features


/debug clearcube {radius} – Clears a radius around the player


/debug complexblocks {radius} – Creates an alternating mesh of adobe in a radius around the player (no idea why its adobe)


/debug happiness {value} – Forcefully changes a colonies happiness value


/debug logcategories – Prints all categories into the console (will not display in chat)


/debug removeblockhere – The name says it all


/debug placeblockhere – Places a block of dirt where you are (useful for building in the air)


/debug killnpcs – Kills all NPCs in the active colony


/debug spawnbanner {colony} – Creates a banner for a parent colony


/debug clearinventory – Clears the player inventory


/debug clearstockpile – Clears a colonies stockpile


/debug drain {radius} – Clears adjacent water in a radius (useful if water leaks)




/sethealth {value} Sets health of user between 0 and their max health


/time – Displays the current time during the day


/tps – Displays the average ticks done a second since the server started


/addpermission {permission} {player} – Gives a permission to a specific user


/removepermission {permission} {player} – Removes a permission from a specific user


/addgroup {group} {player} – Adds a player to a group


/removegroup {group} {player} – Removes a player from a group


/reloadpermission – Reloads permission manager


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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