Car Mechanic Simulator 2021: How to Remove Rust from a Car - MGW

Car Mechanic Simulator 2021: How to Remove Rust from a Car

24 17

Car Mechanic Simulator 2021, a virtual playground for automotive enthusiasts, offers players the chance to get their virtual hands dirty with numerous auto repair tasks. One common issue you’ll face is the presence of rust on cars. Fortunately, the game provides tools to combat this automotive blight, although it requires a certain level of progression and resources.



Unlocking Necessary Tools

Before you can start removing rust, you must reach certain milestones. Initially, the most crucial goal is reaching level 30. This milestone is significant because it grants access to the welder, a tool vital for any mechanic hoping to restore a rust-ridden car to its former glory.



Dealing with Rust

Once you’ve unlocked the welder (costs 1000 in-game credits), you can start addressing the rust issues. Select the welder from your toolkit, then apply it to the rusted sections on the car’s body. It’s a straightforward process, but one that is satisfying to see as the car begins to regain its former appearance.



Advanced Rust Removal Techniques

However, the welder can’t do everything. While it’s perfect for general body rust, it’s not capable of handling more delicate parts such as body panels and doors. This is where the repair bench comes in. But before you can use the repair bench, you need to grind your way to level 35.


Once the repair bench is available, you can address the rust on body panels. The transformation from a rusted shell to a gleaming body panel can be incredibly satisfying.


Rust removal is not always the solution. When it comes to rims, rust signifies a death sentence. You cannot remove rust from rims. Instead, the only solution is to replace them entirely with new ones.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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