Boundary PC Controls and Key Bindings - MGW

Boundary PC Controls and Key Bindings


If you are an avid FPS player, you have probably spent a fair bit of time playing CoD. At one point in time, that franchise had the best competitive online first-person shooter experience available, and everybody played the latest Call of Duty when it was released.


Call of Duty has plenty of competition now, but one game has taken the tight controls and fast paced gameplay that the series is known for, and transferred them into an entirely new frontier: space. The game is called Boundary and it might be the first full tactical multiplayer FPS set in space. Shoot at enemy players in zero gravity, traverse low gravity space installations & wield a number of different, powerful weapons as a highly-skilled “astroperator”. However, you are gonna need some serious familiarity with the controls to come across as a professional space soldier.


Boundary makes use of a pretty common control scheme for the most part, but since you are going to be fighting enemies in 360 degree battles, there are extra controls you are going to need to get the hang of. If that stresses you out, there is no need to worry. With this Boundary PC controls & key bindings guide, you can quickly reference the buttons you might have forgotten and get back into the fight without missing a beat. And, when your team is counting on you to survive and protect them, every second counts. So keep this guide open while you play!



Key Bindings


  • Move Forward: W


  • Move Backward: S


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Right: D


  • Move Up: Space Bar


  • Move Down: Left Ctrl


  • Rotate Clockwise: E


  • Rotate Counter Clockwise: Q


  • Activate Mobility Module: X or Middle Mouse Button


  • Boosting Sprint/Auto Detach: Left Shift


  • Manually Climb: Left Ctrl


  • Manually Detach: Space Bar




  • Fire Weapon: Left Mouse Button


  • Aim Down Sight: Right Mouse Button


  • Primary Weapon: 1


  • Secondary Weapon: 2


  • Right Weapon POD: 3


  • Left Weapon POD: 4


  • Reload: R


  • Melee: V or Thumb Mouse Button 2



Interface & Communications

  • Scoreboard: TAB


  • Text Chat: Y


  • Switch Text Chat Channel: TAB


  • Interact/Fix Suit/ Replenish/Revive Teammates: F


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    Mike has been playing video games since he was able to hold a controller, having been fascinated by Sonic 2 on his mom’s Sega Genesis. That fascination and passion for the art form has grown exponentially nearly 30 years later, and he doesn’t see that fading away anytime soon.

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