Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (PC) Game Hotkeys - MGW

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (PC) Game Hotkeys


The following list of hotkeys is the ones that come by default with the game.



PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

Go to Commands:

CTRL + Q = Mill (easy to access, economic building near other non-military buildings like blacksmith and university)


CTRL + W = Blacksmith (ordered according to their availability through the ages)


CTRL + E = Market


CTRL + R = University


CTRL + T = Monastery (comes after university, slightly less used)


CTRL + G = Mining Camp (default, easy to access)


CTRL + Z = Lumber Camp (default, easy to access)


A = Archery (needed to be only 1 click for efficiency when making units; easy to access)


S = Stable (same as archery)


D = Barracks (same as archery)


H = Town Center (default, fits with the rest of the setup, easily accessible)


X = Siege Workshop (same as archery)


V = Castle (same as archery)


ç = Dock (if you don’t have this key, use the one at the right side of L)



Military Commands:

\= Patrol (very easy to access, commonly used)


Q = Aggressive Stance (easy to access, logical sequence)


W = Defensive Stance (easy to access, logical sequence)


E = Stand Ground Stance (easy to access, logical sequence)


R = No Attack Stance (easy to access, logical sequence)


ALT + A = Line Formation (easy to access, no need to press multiple times)


ALT + S = Box Formation (not frequently used but maintains logical sequence)


ALT + D = Staggered Formation (easy to access, same as ALT + A)


ALT + F = Flank Formation (easy to access, same as ALT + A)



Build Commands:

B + Q = Palisade (quickly build out of a surprise attack; very easily accessed)


B + W = Wall (same as palisade)


B + E = Outpost (near palisade and wall)


B + R = House (easy access)


B + T = Mill (easy access, “T” looks like a windmill)


B + Y = Monastery (default, near university and blacksmith)


B + U = University (default, once-per-game building)


B + I = Blacksmith (once-per-game building, near university and monastery)


B + F = Farm (easily accessible)


B + G = Mining Camp (default, easy to access)


B + J = Archery Range (near stable and siege workshop)


B + K = Siege Workshop (default, near military buildings)


B + L = Stable (default, near military buildings)


B + B = Barracks (default, easy to access)


B + Z = Lumber Camp (default, easy to access)


B + C = Castle (easy to access)


B + N = Town Center (default, easy to access)


B + M = Market (default, max. 3-4 markets/game)


B + , = Tower (comma looks like an arrow)


B + . = Bombard Tower (point looks like the ball the tower shoots)


B + º = Dock (vowel “o” from “dock” is strong)




F1 = Pause


F2 = Show Tech Tree


F3 = Show Chat Dialog


F4 = Show Diplomacy



Other Commands:

ALT + Q = Economic View (quickly know how many villagers on each resource)


ALT + W = Military View (glance at minimap for idle military units)


ALT + E = Normal View


ALT + C = Friend or Foe Colors


ALT + Z = Flare (remember the speed of Zorro’s mark)


Shift + S = Unpack Trebuchets (easy to access)


Tab = Idle Villager (easy to access)


Mouse Scroll Down = Idle Military Units (easy to access)


F = Stop (when a unit is selected)


\ = Ungarrison (easy to access)


G = Garrison (easy to access)


F5 = Delete (easy to press, not likely to be pressed by mistake)


= Gate (straight like a gate, near towers)


Middle Mouse Button = Go to Last Notification (immediate access)


Z = Set Gather Point (useful for hunting deer with villagers)


T = Attack Ground (easy to press, remember T = Target)


U = Pack (for trebuchets)


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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Ron Ventura
Ron Ventura
January 30, 2020 2:20 pm

I can’t work out what keys to press when building a dock. I know it says B+º = dock, but where is the º on the keyboard? (I did a copy/paste to get that in here.) Thanks.

March 4, 2021 12:57 am

Roy, To answer your question, that is the Celsius or degree symbol, and there is no button like that on a normal American keyboard. The author must be using a foreign keyboard. For instance, the letter ç that the author used exists in Polish. When the author wrote that ((the vowel “o” from “dock” is a strong one, hence “º”)), it does not really sound very clear in English what he meant, or why this issue would make using a normal o a problem for game designers. So I am forced to speculate what he meant. Maybe the term “Strong… Read more »

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