Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord – New Traits & Culture Bonuses for Nations
While you’re making your character in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord, the first thing you’ll do is choose a cultural background. There are six cultures to choose from, and each comes with a unique buff/bonus that should influence your decision in the long run.
New Cultural Effects:
[Pro] Caravans are 30% cheaper to build. 10% less trade penalty.
[Pro] No speed penalty in deserts.
[Con] Daily wages of troops in the party are increased by 5%.
[Pro] 50% less speed penalty and 15% sight range bonus in forests.
[Pro] Towns owned by Battanian rulers have +1 militia production.
[Con] 10% slower build rate for town projects in settlements.
[Pro] 20% less garrison troop wages.
[Pro] Being in an army brings 25% more influence.
[Con] Village hearths increase 20% less.
[Pro] Recruiting and upgrading mounted troops is 10% cheaper.
[Pro] 25% production bonus to horses, mules, cows, and sheep in villages owned by Khuzait rulers.
[Con] 20% less tax income from towns.
[Pro] Recruiting and upgrading infantry troops is 25% cheaper.
[Pro] Armies lose 20% less daily cohesion.
[Con] 20% more relationship penalty from kingdom decisions.
[Pro] 5% more renown from battles. 15% more income while serving as a mercenary.
[Pro] 10% production bonus to villages that are bound to castles.
[Con] Recruiting lords to armies costs 20% more influence.