Imperator: Rome - Heirs of Alexander - Cheats & Console Commands - MGW

Imperator: Rome – Heirs of Alexander – Cheats & Console Commands

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Cheats & Console Commands

While playing the game, Press tilde ~ (the key above TAB) (Backslash or tilde or ö. Depending on your keyboard layout.) to display the console window.




annex [<countrytag>] Annexes the specific country to yours.
ae [<amount>] Modifies your aggressive expansion. ae -10 would reduce it by 10.
army[<cohortcount>][<province>] Adds specific amount of units in selected province.
army_loyalty [<prov> <amount>] Sets army loyalty to specified amount.
cash [<amount>] Adds specified amount of gold.
centralization [<amount>] Sets centralization to specified amount.
civil_war [<countrytag>] Starts a civil war in the specified country.
conquer [<provid>] Conquer specified province.
debug_mode Shows tags and Ids, equivalent to charinfo in CK2.
horde [<province>] Spawns a barbarian horde of 100k units in specified province.
kill [<id>] Kills target.
legitimacy [<amount>] Modify current ruler legitimacy.
make_child [mother] [father] Spawns a child for the specified parents.
manpower [<amount>] Add specified amount of Manpower. Changes current music track.
navy[<shipcount>][<province>] Spawns specified amount of Triremes in province.
power [<amount>] Add specified amount to all powers.
revolt [<countrytag>] Starts a revolt in specified country.
stab [<amount>] Modifies your stability.
tag [<countrytag>] Switch tag to another country.
tyranny [<amount>] Modifies your tyranny. Tyranny -10 would reduce it by 10.
tick_day [number of days] Advances time by the specified number of days.
yesmen Activates yesmen (AI accepts all diplomatic proposals).
debug.achievements.resetall Resets all achievements (developer command).
set_age [<id>] [<age>] Sets character age.
tech Gives 1 tech level.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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