Twelve Minutes - Coward Achievement Guide - MGW

Twelve Minutes – Coward Achievement Guide

13 2

11 40 12 Minutes – Coward Achievement


There are hints about the story and progression. It is recommended to play the game beforehand.


  • At the beginning of the cycle, take all the glasses in the hall and fill one with water. Then go to the toilet and close the door. Put the sleeping pill in the medicine cabinet into a glass of water.


  • Go into the bedroom and turn on the light. Go to your partner and give him the glass with sleeping pills. After your partner goes to sleep, go to the wardrobe and wait for the police to arrive.


  • Search him after the police pass out. Use the handcuffs to restrain the cop. When the police wake up, say you’re innocent and will cooperate. Then follow the instructions the police would say.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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