PC Controls for Summoners War: Chronicles - MGW

PC Controls for Summoners War: Chronicles

PC Controls for Summoners War: Chronicles

This guide is your go-to resource for all the PC keyboard and Xbox Gamepad controls in Summoners War: Chronicles when playing on PC. With so many keys to remember, it can be a bit overwhelming but don’t worry! We’ve listed them all in one easy-to-reference spot. So whenever you need a quick reminder about which key or button does what, just check here for a fast refresher!!



Default PC Keyboard & Xbox Gamepad Gamepad Controls

PC Keyboard Bindings

  • Move (Up) – W


  • Move (Left) – A


  • Move (Down) – S


  • Move (Right) – D


  • Basic Attack – C


  • Previous Menu – ESC


  • AI: Individual – F1


  • AI: Co-op – F2


  • AI: Rally – F3


  • Get On – F7


  • Camera Mode – F8


  • Ultimate Skill – R


  • Monster Skill 1 – Q


  • Monster Skill 2 – E


  • Evade – Space


  • Summoner Skill 1 – 1


  • Summoner Skill 2 – 2


  • Summoner Skill 3 – 3


  • Interaction 1 – F


  • Interaction 2 – G


  • Interaction 3 – H


  • Interaction 4 – J


  • Jump – Z


  • Change Weapon Attribute – N


  • Auto Battle – M


  • Use / Cancel Potion 1 – [


  • Use / Cancel Potion 2 – ]


  • Chat – Enter



Xbox Gamepad Commands

  • Use Ultimate – LB + RB


  • Change Monster / Change Attribute Weapon – D-Pad Left/Right


  • Open / Close Ring Menu / Change Monster – D-Pad Up


  • Change Monster – D-Pad Down


  • In Combat Move / Menu Move Cursor – Left Stick (LS)


  • Cursor Mode / Movement Mode – Left Stick Click (L3)


  • Jump – RT


  • Evade – RB


  • Summoner Skill 1 / Interact – X


  • Summoner Skill 2 / Interact – Y


  • In Combat Summoner Skill 3 / Interact – B


  • In Combat Attack / Interact – A


  • Menu / Close Menu / Confirm – Menu Button


  • Camera Control / Camera Lock-on – Right Stick (R3)


  • Potion 1 – LT + D-Pad Up


  • Potion 2 – LT + D-Pad Right


  • Ride – LT + D-Pad Left


  • Camera Mode – LT + D-Pad Down


  • Autoplay Quest – LT + B


  • Monster AI 1 – LT + Y


  • Monster AI 2 – LT + X


  • Monster AI 3 – LT + A


  • Monster Skill 1 – LB + Y


  • Monster Skill 2 – LB + B


  • Auto Hunt – LB + X


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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