Dragon Star Varnir - Easy Way Grinding EXP - MGW

Dragon Star Varnir – Easy Way Grinding EXP

Easy Way Grinding EXP

Here, you can fast leveling with this build. You must get True Ending first and in Post Game to get all this Devour and EXP Bonus build and not worried about the little sisters. Devour build for like 1 hit kill if devour rate is highest.


  • Use accessory that increases devour rate: Dragon God’s Necklace (Devour Rate increases by 10%).


  • Use Golden Time formation: Reduces your stats but EXP Rate increases by 1.5 times.


  • Use Devour skill Deep or Perfect Bite: Deep Bite increases devour rate 20%, Perfect Bite increases devour rate by 30%.


  • Equip Devour passive skill: Devouring Arts (5%), Secrets of Devouring (10%).


  • Equip Leviathan: Leviathan can hit an enemy 8 times which is perfect for enemies with high evasion.


  • Equip Exp passive skill: EXP bonus 3% increased or EXP bonus 5% increased or EXP bonus 10% increased (For this, you don’t need to wear all of them, just choose which one exp bonus you have).


  • Change the difficulty to INFERNO (Buy a DLC difficulty)




  • Perfect Bite and Secrets of Devouring from Holy Dragon Core (Holy Cave, Star’s Womb top/deep).


  • Devouring Arts from Great Worm Core (South Star Temple lower/upper, Wilderness of Atonement).


  • Golden Time from Book of Golden Time (obtained from the Holy Dragon Eyes quest)


  • Leviathan from Pyutone Core (Star’s Womb top/deep, East Star Temple lower)


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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