Dinkum - How to Create Brews - MGW

Dinkum – How to Create Brews

Dinkum - How to Create Brews

To create brews in Dinkum, you must first unlock the keg blueprint by completing quests for your town’s NPCs. Each Keg can make only one brew per day. Also, please note that the windmill buff has no effect on Kegs.


You’ll need five Palm Wood Planks and one Iron Bar to craft a keg. You can destroy Wattle and Bottle Brush plants to collect their seeds and start your own mass farm near your town.


Use blueberries or red or yellow wattle to fill the keg. You can also check the machining manual from the shop to see what you need to put into machines (including kegs), but it won’t tell you what results you get from them. You can find all the necessary materials below.



Dinkum Keg Recipes:

Wattle Brew = 10 Yellow Wattle Flower

(+25 Max Energy & 10-minute Mining, Logging, Fishing Buff)


Some foods in Dinkum provide time-limited buffs, while others increase the total health/energy pool for the day. The yellow flowers can be kegged to produce a mining buff that lasts for ten minutes and significantly shortens the time it takes to mine ore. So it is best not to ever ignore any kind of food in the game.



Bottle Brush = 10 Bottle Brush

(Heals 25 Health, 1 Minute Health Regeneration Buff)



Jelly Brew = 10 Jelly

(Heals 50 Health, Restores 50 Energy, 10 Minute Farming Buff, 4 Minute Treasure Hunting Buff)


Selling wattle brews earns you a lot of money, especially when you first start out in a new game. Wattle Brew is quite valuable, but it takes four days to produce. Make several kegs once you’ve started gathering iron. Plant as many wattle seeds as you can near your base, as one brew requires 10 wattles. You don’t sell these brews: instead, wait for an NPC to request them, and you’ll get 65,000 Dinks for five brews. If you need money right away, you can always sell brews to John, but if you use this method, you may have to wait.




Dinkum Fishing Guide: Fish Like a Pro


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