Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition Cheat Codes Guide - MGW

Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition Cheat Codes Guide


If you have played any of the previous iterations of the Age of Empires series, then get ready to be hit by a wave of nostalgia. The way to enter cheat codes in the new Definitive Edition is exactly the same as it was in all of the previous titles.


To enter cheat codes, simply load them into the game. Once you are there, press ‘Enter’ to open up the chat console and then type in the cheat before pressing enter. Once you do that, the effects of the cheat will take place instantly and you can enter the next one or play the game.


Here is a complete list of all cheat codes that are found within Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition along with their brief descriptions.





1000 Food cheese steak jimmy’s
1000 Gold robin hood
1000 Stone rock on
1000 wood lumberjack
A VDML man will appear at your Town Center I love the monkey head
Build Fast aegis
Cobra Car how do you turn this on
Commit Suicide wimpywimpywimpy
Control the Animals natural wonders
Full Map marco
Instant Lose resign
Instant Victory i r winner
Kill All Opponents black death
Kill Indicated Opponent (Check what slot number they’re in) torpedo(1-8)
No Shadows polo
Saboteur Unit to smithereens
Undoes the !mute code !nomute
Will not hear any taunts !mute


That is all we have for our Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition Cheat Codes Guide. Let us know if we missed something using the comments section below!


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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