ROUNDS – Block Cards
Game Guides, ROUNDS /
07 Mar 2021
- Frost Slam: Slows enemies around you when you block, +30% HP, +.25 seconds block cool down.
- Healing Field: Blocking creates a healing field, +30% HP, +.25 seconds block cool down.
- Bombs Away: Throw six small bombs downwards when you block, +30% HP, +.25 seconds block cool down.
- Echo: Blocking triggers another slightly delayed block, +30% HP, +.25 seconds block cool down.
- EMP: Blocking Spawns a ring of very low damage slowing projectiles, +30% HP, +.25 seconds block cool down.
- Implode: Blocking pulls enemies towards you, +50% HP, +.25 seconds block cool down.
- Overpower: Deals 15% of your maximum HP to enemies around you when you block, +30% HP, +.25 block cool down.
- Radar Shot: Blocking automatically shoots at enemies within approx. 5m, +30% HP, +.25 seconds block cool down.
- Shield Charge: Blocking launches you forward and gives you a second automatic block upon ending the charge, +.25 block cool down.
- Shock Wave: Blocking pushes enemies away, +50% HP, +.25 seconds block cool down.
- Silence: Blocking silences enemies nearby, +25% HP, +.25 seconds block cool down.
- Static Field: Blocking creates a field that slows and deals damage, +.25 block cool down.
- Saw: Blocking spawns a saw around you for a short while (2 sec, 100 damage total), +30% HP, +.25 block cool down.
- Supernova: Blocking spawns a field that pulls enemies in and stuns after a while, +50% HP, +.5 seconds block cool down.
- Tactical Reload: Blocking reloads your weapon, +.25 seconds blocking cool down.
- Teleport: Blocking teleports you forward, -30% block cool down.