Mortal Online 2 Prominence Points Guide - MGW

Mortal Online 2 Prominence Points Guide


Prominence points play a crucial role in Mortal Online 2, giving players the ability to control territories, maintain structures, and purchase essential items. This guide will delve into prominence points, their purpose, and various methods to obtain them.



What are Prominence Points?

Prominence points are a form of currency used in Mortal Online 2, primarily for territory control, upkeep, and purchasing items such as guards & siege equipment. There are three types of prominence points: Might Prominence, Surplus Prominence, and Glory Prominence. Each type is acquired through different activities and contributes to different aspects of the game.



Might Prominence Points

Might Prominence Points are gained and lost through PvP activities, such as battling against other guilds and nations. The number of points gained or lost depends on the rank of the players involved in the battle.



Surplus Prominence Points

Surplus prominence points are acquired through trading activities, such as donating items to a keep. When players donate items, the items are destroyed, and the player receives prominence points based on the item’s value.



Glory Prominence Points

These points are earned through PvE activities, such as defeating bosses, participating in invasions, and other events that involve working against in-game enemies.



How to Get Prominence Points

There are various ways to obtain prominence points in Mortal Online 2. Some methods are more efficient and reliable than others, depending on the type of points you aim to acquire.



Gaining Might Prominence Points

  • Engage in PvP activities with other guilds & nations. The amount of points gained or lost depends on the rank of the players involved.


  • Defeating higher-ranked players will earn you more points.


  • Participate in large-scale guild or nation wars to maximize the points earned.



How to Gain Surplus Prominence Points

  • Trade items at keeps; the items will be destroyed, and you will receive prominence points based on the item’s value.


  • Focus on trading high-value items to maximize the number of points earned.


  • Use supply lines to transport goods, as they may offer additional prominence points in future game updates.



Gaining Glory Prominence Points

  • Participate in PvE activities, such as defeating bosses, participating in invasions, and working against in-game enemies.


  • Participate in large-scale PvE events to earn more prominence points.


  • Join groups or guilds to participate in group PvE activities, which may yield more points.



How to Use Prominence Points

Prominence points can be used for various purposes, such as territory control, upkeep, and purchasing items like guards & siege equipment. Players can also distribute prominence points among their guild members based on their ranks, enabling high-ranked members to access more resources and privileges.



Tips and Tricks:

  • Balance your activities to achieve a steady flow of various prominence points.


  • High PvP prominence points might lead to griefing, so maintain a balance by participating in a mix of PvP & PvE activities.


  • Participate in trade activities to obtain surplus prominence points and engage in PvE events to earn glory prominence points.


  • Manage your guild ranks to ensure a fair distribution of prominence points among members.


  • Stay informed about game updates and potential changes to the prominence point system to adapt your strategies accordingly.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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