Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective PC Keyboard Controls Guide - MGW

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective PC Keyboard Controls Guide

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Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a testament to timeless game design. Over a decade since its debut on the Nintendo DS, this unique concoction of mystery and puzzle elements continues to captivate. Helmed by Shu Takumi, the visionary behind the acclaimed Ace Attorney series, Ghost Trick immerses you in an unforgettable journey into the afterlife. You assume the role of Sissel, a spirit with no memories, on a quest to unravel the mystery of his own death. With the power to manipulate objects and rewind time, you’ll guide Sissel through a complex web of puzzles that unfold over one suspense-filled night.


The 2023 remaster breathes fresh life into this adventure, adding a modern touch without losing any of the original game’s spirit. In this guide, we walk you through the default PC keyboard controls and key bindings for Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, preparing you to navigate Sissel’s spectral world. So, let’s dive in and start unwrapping this fascinating mystery together!



Default Key Bindings



Perspective – Soul – Move Selection Up W
Perspective – Soul – Move Selection Down S
Perspective – Soul – Move Selection Right D
Perspective – Soul – Move Selection Left A
Confirm Space Bar
Cancel (Return) C
“Ghost” Q
Return from “Ghost” Q
“Trick” E
Open “Monologue Thought Bubbles” G
Open “Conversation Speech Balloons” H
Go Back to Main Character (in the Real World) Z
Change Character V
Open “Memories” Screen X
“Go Back” R
Fast Forward Text (While Messages Are Displayed) 1
Automatically Advance Text (While Messages Are Displayed) 2
Open Backlog (While Messages Are Displayed) 3
Scroll Up Backlog W
Scroll Down Backlog S


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    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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