FIFA 21 - How to Do a Knuckleball Free Kick - MGW

FIFA 21 – How to Do a Knuckleball Free Kick

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Knuckleball Free Kick is possibly the most difficult free-kick to perform, and from a long-range distance, it may be more effective to use the power dipped free kick or to cross the ball into the area.. To do a Knuckleball Free Kick Hold L1 (PS4) / LB (Xbox One) then move left stick diagonally up to the right (righties) or move left stick diagonally up to the left (lefties).


Note that not every player can perform a knuckleball kick effectively. These type of kicks require both power and accuracy. You’ll need to pick a player that has high power, free-kick accuracy, and the power free kick trait in FIFA 21.


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