Escape Mind - Walkthrough & 100% Achievements Guide - MGW

Escape Mind – Walkthrough & 100% Achievements Guide

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ACHIEVEMENT: 100 CLICKS! – This achievement is self-explanatory and will easily be unlocked, probably within the first few minutes of playing the game.


  • Pick up the matches from the floor.


  • Click on the candle flame to snuff it out, then use the matches to re-light it.


  • Click on the crow that appears outside the window, then take the strange amulet it drops.


  • Click on the lizard.


  • Open the gate.


  • Go left.


  • Snuff and re-light the candle.


  • Go left.


  • Light the candle.


  • Click the plant three times and take the blue scarab.


  • Take the sign piece.


  • Click on the wooden planks over the door to remove them.


  • Keep clicking the spider until it lands in the web, then click it again.



Spider Puzzle

The best way to complete this one is to pay attention to the next strand and whether it moves up or down. For the strands that move upward, enter them from the bottom of the screen. Enter the downward moving strands from the top part of the screen. Wait until right after a drop falls, then move right immediately after.


  • Take the black widow.


  • Go up.


  • Light the three candles. Take note of the drawing on the wall and the word written under the candles.


  • There’s a cluster of red mushrooms in the left corner. Click on it, and take the mushroom that falls to the floor.


  • Click the tap twice.




  • Go right.


  • Snuff and re-light the candle.


  • Click on the lizard.


  • Click on the red rose until you collect the petals.


  • Go right.


  • Light the candle.


  • Click on the owl until it explodes into feathers.




  • Go left, then up.


  • Snuff and re-light the candle.


  • Click on the pictures on the table. (Black and purple objects.)


  • Go right.


  • Light the candle.


  • Click on the lizard.


  • Take the hourglass on the cabinet.


  • Open the first large drawer of the cabinet, and take the termite.


  • Click on the mouse hole near the cabinet.



Mouse Puzzle

  • Solution: L D L U R D L U L D R D


  • Go left, down, right.


  • Take the crystal.


  • Go left, then up.


  • Put the crystal in the crow’s mouth.


  • Go left.


  • Take the empty flask on the bottom left shelf.


  • Click on the book next to the flask: there’s a hint for later in the game.


  • Take the crystal on the top right shelf.


  • Click on the purple hat, then take the silver key that drops out.


  • Click on the red book on the bottom right shelf to hint about what to do with the moon and sun pictures.


  • Use the amulet on the book with the cross on the spine on the top right shelf. If you click the book, you’ll get another hint for later in the game.


  • Go right.


  • Drag the sun and moon pictures from the wall to the candle to burn them.


  • Click on the window.



Aquarius Puzzle

  • Connect the dots so that they form the Aquarius picture from the room with the three candles.


  • Collect the moon moth.


  • Go right.


  • Use the key on the bottom drawer.


  • Take the crystal.


  • Go left, down, right.


  • Click on the broom a couple of times.




  • Go left, left, down, right.


  • Use the blue crystal with the crow’s mouth.


  • Go down.


  • Snuff and re-light the candle.


  • Use the sign part in your inventory with the sign on the wall.


  • Go right.


  • Snuff and re-light the candle.


  • Use the hourglass with the hole in the corner of the clock.


  • Go down.


  • Light the candle.


  • Click on the one brick that’s a bit lighter than all the others.




  • Click the bat three times and take the fishbone that falls to the floor.


  • Go left.


  • Snuff and re-light the candle.


  • Click the cluster of three skulls on the ceiling, then take the ladybug.


  • Go left.


  • Light the candle.


  • Take the blue triangle with the eye that’s on the dream catcher.


  • Use the empty flask on the water.


  • Go right, right, up, left.


  • Give the fishbone to the cat.


  • Take the green flask.


  • Put the blue eye in the top triangle on the wall.


  • Go left, then down, then right.


  • Take the eyeball from the skull on the ground.


  • Go right, up, left, up.


  • Click the picture of the triangle on the wall.



Maze Puzzle

You’ll need to use your cursor to drag the black dot over to the larger black dot that’s accessible from where you are. It will then appear outside the other large black dot, from which you need to drag it to the path that leads out of the triangle. The description text says that this puzzle is about patience, and they aren’t kidding. This will take a little while.


  • Take the red triangle with the eye.


  • Go down.


  • Put the red-eye in the bottom triangle on the wall.


  • Put the red crystal in the monster’s mouth.


  • Go left.


  • Light the candle.




  • Click on the lizard.


  • Click the book under the table for a hint.


  • Go right, then up.


  • Click on the lizard tail that’s now behind the bug box, then pick it up from the floor.


  • Go left, up, right.


  • Take the dragonfly. NOTE: I’m not sure exactly when the dragonfly appears here or which action triggers it.


  • Go right.


  • Take the sheet music.


  • Go left, left, down, right, down, left.


  • Put the flask filled with water on the burner, then the rose petals on the flask.


  • Light the burner, then take the red potion.


  • Add the mushroom, magic eyeball, and lizard tail to the mortar and pestle on the table.


  • Take the mortar and pestle.


  • Click the picture of the equation on the wall until it’s right-side up.


  • Go right, up, left, up, right, up, left.


  • Add the red, green, and blue potion (drag it from the bottom left shelf) to the cauldron.


  • Add the mortar and pestle to the cauldron.


  • Take the bumblebee.


  • Go right, down, left, down, right, down, left, down, right, right.



Frog Puzzle

  • Click on the frogs in the order shown on the sheet music: red, green, blue, red, blue, green, blue.


  • Take the firefly.


  • Go right, right, up, left, up.


  • Take the gold key.


  • Go down, then leave.


  • Use the gold key on the door.


  • Click on the square mechanism.



Door Puzzle

  • It’s the same as the game Lights Out.


  • After you open the door, you win the game. You should also have all the achievements. Congratulations.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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