Demonologist Items Guide - How to Use Every Item - MGW

Demonologist Items Guide – How to Use Every Item

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Setting out on an exciting adventure as a new ghost hunter in the captivating game Demonologist, developed by Clock Wizard Games, requires you to be familiar with your tools and know how to use them properly for a successful experience. This items guide will familiarize you with the essential gear for your ghost hunting journey and provide you with approachable, easy-to-grasp directions on how to master the use of these tools for optimal effectiveness.



Essential Gear for Ghost Hunting in Demonologist


Your trusty flashlight is your main way of navigating through dimly lit areas and shedding light on your surroundings. Keep it close, as maintaining good visibility is key to your safety and overall success in the game.



EMF Reader:

The Electromagnetic Field (EMF) reader is a must-have device for locating & detecting paranormal activity. This handy gadget helps you identify a ghost’s presence and collects vital evidence for EMF level 5, which is crucial for figuring out the ghost’s type. Remember, it’s direction-based, so point it at the items you’re investigating.



ESG Reader:

You can set the Electronic Signal Generator (ESG) reader on the ground, and if a ghost messes with it, a ghostly silhouette appears above the device, along with an audible noise. This lets you know if the ESG reader could be evidence for the ghost you’re dealing with.



Easel Canvas:

Like the ESG reader, you should place the easel canvas on the ground. If the ghost interacts with it, a drawing will appear, giving you another clue to help identify the ghost’s type.



EXO Glass:

The EXO glass is useful for spotting ectoplasmic stains as evidence. Plus, it helps with secondary objectives, like finding a girl sitting in a chair or figuring out the ghost’s time of death.



Spirit Box:

The Spirit Box allows you to chat with the ghost. If the ghost replies, the Spirit Box will flash a tiny ghost icon, indicating it’s a piece of evidence.



UV Light:

The ultraviolet (UV) light is essential for revealing fingerprint evidence on light switches and doors that the ghost has touched.




Use the thermometer to detect freezing temperatures, which counts as more evidence. It can also help you track down the ghost’s whereabouts.



Photo Camera:

For now, the photo camera is mainly used for the secondary objective of snapping a pic of the ghost on the abandoned house map.




The candle works as a secondary objective on the abandoned house map. Light it up place it on the floor & wait patiently for the ghost to engage with it.



Sanity Pills:

Sanity pills restore some of your sanity when taken. Keep them handy as preserving your sanity is vital to your survival.



Tripod Camera:

The tripod camera enables you to remotely watch the ghost’s actions. Place it strategically, then check the monitor in the tent for any signs of paranormal activity.




Holding the crucifix during a hunt can protect you from the ghost. Instead of attacking you, the crucifix will be used up. The devs plan to add more uses for the crucifix in future updates.



Bonus Items (spawned randomly on the map):

Ouija Board:

The Ouija board lets you ask questions to the ghost, but be careful, as it can quickly drain your sanity. Overuse may cause the board to break and trigger a hunt.



Tarot Cards:

Using tarot cards adds an unpredictable twist to your gameplay, as drawing a card can activate various random effects. These might include initiating a hunt, trapping the ghost in a specific room, raising or lowering your sanity, or even reviving a downed player. Keep in mind that tarot cards come with risks, so tread lightly and be ready to adapt to any possible outcomes that might occur.


Demonologist Beginner’s Guide – Tips for New Players


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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