Demonologist Beginner's Guide - Tips for New Players - MGW

Demonologist Beginner’s Guide – Tips for New Players


Embark on a perilous journey into the unknown as you confront malevolent spirits in Demonologist, a co-op horror game that tests your skills and teamwork. As you venture into haunted locations, it is essential to be well-prepared and equipped. This guide is here to help you. Let’s get started.



Understanding Your Sanity

Sanity is a key component of your hunts, as it determines the frequency of ghost attacks. Always monitor your sanity levels at the campsite, and take the necessary steps to maintain a high sanity level. Keep your environment well-lit, use candles, and take sanity pills when necessary to minimize the rate at which your sanity drains.



Preparation and Loadout

Before heading out on a hunt, it’s crucial to be thoroughly prepared. Your loadout should include essential equipment for locating and identifying entities, such as the EMF device, ESG device, Ecto Glass, Easel Canvas, Spirit Box, and sanity pills. It’s also a good idea to bring along additional items like crucifixes and tripod cameras for added protection and evidence gathering.



Using the EMF Device to Locate Entities

If you wanna find where the entity is, you gotta use the EMF device. It’s basically a gadget that measures the levels of spooky activity around you, and it’s one of the best ways to locate the ghost. The scale goes from 0 (not even a little bit creepy) to 5 (SUPER spooky), so keep an eye out for those high numbers. And here’s a pro tip – if you see EMF 5, that’s evidence of the type of entity you’re dealing with, so make sure to jot it down in your journal. You can even put the EMF in front of the tripod camera to observe ghostly activity from your campsite. Cool, right? Just don’t forget that the EMF only works in a certain range, so make sure you’re close enough to the ghost to get a reading.



Surviving Hunts

During hunts, entities become more aggressive, and exit doors will be locked. To survive, run and hide from the entity, or use crucifixes to protect yourself. Keep in mind that crucifixes are single-use items and must be held when the entity attacks. If attempting to save teammates, be creative with your strategies, but be prepared for the possibility that the entity might ignore you.



Communicating with the Entity

To talk to the entity in the game, you gotta use the Spirit Box – it’s the only thing that lets you chat with the ghost (but more options might be added later -according to the dev- so stay tuned!). Just head to the entity’s room, fire up the Spirit Box, and start asking questions. But here’s the thing: the Spirit Box can be pretty finicky, so you might have to try a few times to get it working. Oh, and make sure you pay attention to whether the ghost likes talking to one person or a group. If it’s a solo kinda thing, you gotta use the Spirit Box by yourself. You can ask the ghost these questions: “Can you talk?”, “Can you speak?”, “What is your name?”, “Where are you?” & “When did you die?”. One last thing – the Spirit Box only works with certain types of ghosts, so don’t go trying to talk to every ghost you see with it.



Banishing Entities

Once you’ve identified the entity type and completed any additional challenges, it’s time to banish the entity. Pay close attention to the banishment mechanics specific to each map, as they will vary. For example, in the Abandoned House map, you’ll need to find five randomly generated fingers and place them in the ritual area.



Ecto Glass

Ecto glass is a seriously awesome tool that can help you find evidence of the entity you’re chasing in the game. When the ghost is lurking nearby, the ecto glass will reveal these freaky white plasma markings all over the place – on walls, objects, and even light switches! They look like brush strokes and are a clear sign that you’re getting closer to the ghostly action. But that’s not all. The ecto glass can also help you locate a hidden human silhouette on the map – usually a creepy little girl sitting on a chair in specific spots. Just wander around the map with the ecto glass in hand and be ready for some seriously eerie sights. Just remember, the ecto glass only works within a certain range, so make sure you’re close enough to the ghost or silhouette to get a reading.



Communication and Teamwork

Working as a team is crucial for successful hunts. Make sure to communicate effectively with your teammates, sharing information about your findings and any potential dangers. If using the Spirit Box, be aware of the entity’s preference for speaking to people who are alone or in groups, and adjust your approach accordingly.



Recognizing Entity Patterns

As you gain experience, you’ll start to notice patterns in entity behavior. Learn to recognize these patterns to predict entity actions and better protect yourself and your team. This knowledge will also help you identify the entity type more quickly and accurately.


Demonologist Items Guide – How to Use Every Item


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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