Controls for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin - MGW

Controls for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin

Controls for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin

The following is the complete list of keybindings and hotkeys available in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin on PC:



Default Key Bindings & Hotkeys

General Controls

  • Open Unit Summoning: G


  • Open Upgrade: T



Camera Controls

  • Move Camera Left: A or Left Arrow


  • Move Camera Right: D or Right Arrow


  • Move Camera Forwards: W or Up Arrow


  • Move Camera Backwards: S or Down Arrow


  • Rotate Camera Left: Ö


  • Rotate Camera Right: Ç


  • Drag Camera (Modifier): ALT


  • Zoom In: Page Up


  • Zoom Out: Page Down


  • Focus on Command Post: Spacebar


  • Focus on Unit: L



Unit Selection Controls

  • Select Unit: Left Mouse Button


  • Select Same Units: Ctrl


  • Box Select: Left Mouse Button


  • Additive Box Select: Shift


  • Cycle Units Next: TAB


  • Cycle Units Previous: Shift + TAB


  • Deselect: Left Mouse Button


  • Toggle Unit Selection State: Shift



Unit Order Controls and Hotkeys

  • Attack: F


  • Move: Right Mouse Button


  • Charge: C


  • Retreat: R


  • Unit Primary Ability: Q


  • Unit Secondary Ability: E


  • Faction Ability: Z


  • Cancel Unit Orders: X


  • Change Facing/Prioritize Target: ALT


  • Chain Move Order: Shift



Bastion/Arcane Conduit Controls

  • Open Structures Menu: R



Editor Camera Controls

  • Move Editor Camera Forwards: W or Up Arrow


  • Move Editor Camera Left: A or Left Arrow


  • Move Editor Camera Backwards: S or Down Arrow


  • Move Editor Camera Right: D or Right Arrow


  • Editor Camera Zoom In: Page Up


  • Editor Camera Zoom Out: Page Down


  • Roll Editor Camera Left: Num /


  • Editor Camera Roll Right: Num *


  • Reset Editor Camera Roll: End



Editor Camera Modes

  • Open Editor Camera Modes Menu: C


  • Switch to Free Camera: Num 1


  • Switch to Orbit: Num 2


  • Switch to Game View: Num 3


  • Switch to Top-Down: Num 4


  • Switch to Overview: Num 5



Editor Misc. Controls

  • Toggle Navigation Grid: G


  • Undo: Ctrl + Z


  • Redo: Ctrl + Y



Editor Object Controls

  • Confirm Multiselect: Enter


  • Confirm Placement: Left Mouse Button


  • Cancel Placement: ESC


  • Delete Selected Object or Objects: Delete


  • Focus Selected Object or Objects: F


  • Toggle Grid Snap: R


  • Toggle Rotation Snap: T


  • Toggle Terrain Snap: Y


  • Switch Movement Axis: H


  • Toggle Object Movement Type: X


  • Switch to Advanced Mode: Ctrl + W


  • Switch to Advanced Rotate: Ctrl + E


  • Switch to Surface Move: M


  • Move Object Upwards: Shift


  • Surface Move Axis Lock: Ctrl


  • Place (Alternative): Enter


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    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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