Blade and Sorcery Cheats - MGW

Blade and Sorcery Cheats

Blade and Sorcery Cheats

How to open the in-game menu (Vive)

Center of right touchpad + left menu button.


1) First, hold the right touchpad (center)


2) On your left controller, press the small button above the left-hand controller touchpad!


This will open the book that gives you control over multiple utilities.


  • The Games Graphics


  • Choice of spawning just females or just male AI’ or changing amount of each side that spawn.


  • Cheats (God mode, max stamina, e.t.c)


This is just a select few!


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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