Star Citizen (PC) Game Hotkeys - MGW

Star Citizen (PC) Game Hotkeys

Star Citizen (PC) Game Hotkeys

Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

These are the default key bindings for the game Star Citizen. Make sure to bookmark this page so you can easily refer to it!




  • VTOL Mode Toggle: K


  • Landing Gear Toggle: N


  • Increase / Decrease Accelerator: RIGHT ALT + SCROLL MOUSE WHEEL


  • Spacebreak / Stop Ship: X


  • Turret ESP Curves and Dampening settings: In game settings


  • Turret ESP Toggle: E


  • Toggle Turret Mouse Movement (VJoy, FPS Style): Q


  • Recenter Turret: C (HOLD)


  • Turret Gyro Stabilization Toggle: G


  • Turret Speed Limiter Toggle: LEFT SHIFT


  • Speed Limiter Relative: SCROLL MOUSE WHEEL


  • Velocity Limiter Increase (Relative): W


  • Velocity Limiter Decrease (Relative): S


  • Cycle Fire Mode (Staggered, Combined): V


  • Exit Remote Turret: Y


  • Pin Index 1 – Lock / Unlock Pinned Target: 1


  • Pin Index 2 – Lock / Unlock Pinned Target: 2


  • Pin Index 3 – Lock / Unlock Pinned Target: 3


  • Pin Index 1 – Pin / Unpin Selected Target: LEFT ALT + 1


  • Pin Index 2 – Pin / Unpin Selected Target: LEFT ALT + 2


  • Pin Index 3 – Pin / Unpin Selected Target: LEFT ALT + 3


  • Pin Selected Target: No Default Keybind


  • Remove All Pinned Targets: 0


  • Lock Selected Target: No Default Keybind


  • Unlocked Locked Target: LEFT ALT + T


  • Enable / Disable Look Ahead: LEFT ALT + L


  • Cycle Selection – Forward: R


  • Cycle Selection – Reset to auto: LEFT ALT + R


  • Cycle Lock – In View Forward: T


  • Cycle Lock – In View Under Reticle: T


  • Cycle Lock – Attackers Forward: 4


  • Cycle Lock – Attackers – Reset to Closest: LEFT ALT + 4


  • Cycle Lock – Hostiles Back: 5


  • Cycle Lock – Hostiles – Reset to Closest: LEFT ALT + 5


  • Cycle Lock – Friendlies Forward: 6


  • Cycle Lock – Friendlies: LEFT ALT + 6


  • Cycle Lock – All – Forward: 7


  • Cycle Lock – All – Reset to Closest: LEFT ALT + 7


  • Cycle Lock – Sub-target Forward: 8


  • Sub-Target Reset To Main: LEFT ALT + 8


  • FOIP & VOIP need to be enabled in the menu and Mobiglas Chat (see below)


  • Quick Camera Calibrate: * (Numpad)


  • Selfie: (Minus Numpad)


  • FOIP Head Tracking Toggle: / (Numpad)


  • Cycle Through Audio Channels: . (Numpad)


  • FOIP Push To Talk: + (Numpad)


  • FOIP Push To talk (Proximity Only): LEFT ALT + + (Numpad)


  • In Mobiglas you can turn the Camera and VOIP on or off as well as adjust the volume of each.


  • Flight / Systems Ready Toggle: R


  • Exit Seat: Y


  • Emergency Exit Seat: U + Left Shift


  • Open / Close Doors Toggle: No Default Keybind


  • Lock / Unlock Doors Toggle: No Default Keybind


  • Look Behind: No Default Key Binding


  • Weapons Systems Power Toggle: P


  • Shield Systems Power Toggle: O


  • Toggle Power Thrusters: I


  • Power Toggle (All): U


  • Increase Priority Thrusters: F5


  • Increase Priority Shields: F6


  • Increase Priority Weapons: F7


  • Reset Priority: F8


  • Decrease Throttle: F9


  • Decrease Throttle to Min: F9 (DOUBLE TAP)


  • Increase Throttle: F10


  • Increase Throttle to Max: F10 (DOUBLE TAP)


  • Pause / Options: ESC


  • Mobiglas: F1


  • Cycle Camera (1st person view 3rd person view): F4


  • Contacts List: F11


  • Chat: F12


  • Console: ~ (TILDE)


  • Activate Chat: Enter (After F12)


  • Dynamic Zoom In/Out: F4 (HOLD) + SCROLL MOUSE WHEEL


  • Wipe Visor (On Foot or Seated): LEFT ALT + X


  • Open Personal Inventory: I


  • Interaction Mode: F




  • Drop Item: No Default Keybind


  • Interaction Mode Zoom In: F + MOUSE WHEEL UP


  • Interaction Mode Zoom Out: F + MOUSE WHEEL DOWN


  • Exit: Numpad 0


  • Mining Mode: M


  • Fire Mining Laser: Mouse Button One


  • Switch Mining Laser: Mouse Button Two


  • Increase Mining Laser Power: Mouse Wheel Up


  • Decrease Mining Laser Power: Mouse Wheel Down


  • Cycle Mining Laser Gimbal: G


  • Activate Mining Consumable (Slot 1): LEFT ALT + 1


  • Activate Mining Consumable (Slot 2): LEFT ALT + 2


  • Activate Mining Consumable (Slot 3): LEFT ALT + 3


  • Jettison Cargo: LEFT ALT + J


  • Equip Multitool: 4


  • Fire Mining Laser: LEFT MOUSE BUTTON


  • Increase Mining Laser Power: MOUSE WHEEL UP


  • Decrease Mining Laser Power: MOUSE WHEEL DOWN


  • Activate Scanning Mode: TAB


  • Activate Scanning: Mouse Button One


  • Scanning Ping: Mouse Button Two


  • Increase Scanning Zone: SCROLL MOUSE WHEEL UP


  • Decrease Scanning Zone: SCROLL MOUSE WHEEL DOWN


  • Cycle Camera (1st person view 3rd person view): F4


  • Interact Mode (Inner thought / Inspect): F (HOLD)


  • PIT (Personal Inner Thought) Wheel: F + RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON


  • Open Personal Inventory: I


  • Freelook Active: Z (3rd person only)


  • Mobiglas (Scoreboard): F1


  • Map: F2


  • Force Respawn / Suicide: BACKSPACE (HOLD)


  • Wield Sidearm: 1 (Number 1 on the keyboard)


  • Wield Primary Weapon: 2 (Number 2 on the keyboard)


  • Wield Secondary Weapon: 3 (Number 3 on the keyboard)


  • Customize Weapon: J


  • Use Special Item / knife (after you have purchased and equipped one): 4 (Number 4 on the keyboard)


  • Use Special Item #2 (after you have purchased and equipped one): 5 (Number 5 on the keyboard)


  • Select Contract Item: 6 (Number 6 on the keyboard)


  • Throw Item (Grenade): G


  • Throw Box: LEFT MOUSE BUTTON (HOLD) – Updated in Alpha 3.11!


  • Heal With Medpen: C


  • Refill Oxygen: B


  • Sprint: LEFT SHIFT (HOLD)


  • Hold Breath (Aiming down sites): LEFT SHIFT (HOLD)


  • Change Weapon Fire Mode: V


  • Turn on Suit Light / Flashlight: T


  • Reload: R


  • Holster Weapon: R (HOLD)


  • FPS Underbarrel Attachment Action: U


  • Walk / Jog: Scroll Mouse wheel


  • Crouch: LEFT CTRL


  • Prone: X


  • Roll Left (While Prone): A (Double Tap)


  • Roll Right (While Prone): D (Double Tap)


  • Jump: SPACEBAR


  • Lean Left: Q


  • Lean Right: E


  • Melee Attack: Mouse Button 3


  • Flashlight (Torch / Light): T


  • Pull Out Fists: 0 (On keyboard)


  • Wield Knife: 5 (On Keyboard)






  • Left Heavy Attack: LEFT MOUSE BUTTON (HOLD)


  • Right Heavy Attack: RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON (HOLD)


  • Attack Combos: Varying attack combinations






  • Dodge Left: DOUBLE TAP A


  • Dodge Right: DOUBLE TAP D


  • Dodge Back: DOUBLE TAP S


  • /left: Keypad 1


  • /stop: Keypad 2


  • /right: Keypad 3


  • /yes: Keypad 4


  • /forward: Keypad 5


  • /no: Keypad 6


  • Boost: LEFT SHIFT


  • Strafe Up: SPACEBAR


  • Strafe Down: CTRL


  • Roll Left: Q


  • Roll Right: E


  • Strafe Left: A


  • Strafe Right: D


  • Freelook: Z


  • Brake: X


  • Mobiglas / Scoreboard: F1


  • MFD Screen Up (when in free look): W


  • Hud Screen Right (when in free look): D


  • Hud Left Option (when in free look): A


  • Hud Down Option (when in free look): S


  • Quantum Travel Drive: B


  • Quantum Travel / Jump: B (HOLD) – Calibrate Destination First and Spool Drive


  • Camera Mode: F4


  • Camera Zoom in 3rd Person: Hold F4 and Scroll Mouse Wheel


  • Freelook Toggle: Z


  • Freelook: Z (HOLD)


  • Ship Self Destruct: BACKSPACE (HOLD)


  • Scan Mode: TAB


  • Activate Scanning: Mouse Button One


  • Scanning Ping: Mouse Button Two


  • Throttle Up: W


  • Throttle Down: S


  • Strafe Left: A


  • Strafe Right: D


  • Strafe Up: SPACEBAR


  • Strafe Down: LEFT CTRL


  • Roll Left: Q


  • Roll Right: E


  • Launch Flare: H – New in 3.11


  • Launch Chaff: J – New in 3.11


  • Missile Lock: CLICK MOUSE BUTTON 3


  • Fire Missile: HOLD MOUSE BUTTON 3


  • Unlock Missile: No Default Key Binding


  • Cycle Gimbal Assist / Standard Gimbal / Gimbal Lock modes – Cycle Modes: G


  • Afterburner: LEFT SHIFT (HOLD)


  • Space Break: X


  • Respawn: X (Arena Commander)


  • Decoupled Mode Toggle: V


  • Landing Mode Toggle: N


  • Automatic Landing: N (HOLD)


  • Request Landing Permission: Use the ship console [Menu -> Comms] or Mobiglas


  • Match Target Velocity Toggle: No Default Key Bind


  • Cycle Radar Range: Use the Ship’s Radar or bind a key


  • Toggle Lights: L


  • Exit Pilot Seat: Y


  • Cycle Toggle: No Default Key Bind


  • Eject: Y (HOLD)


  • Rear View Camera: Z


  • Mining Mode: M


  • Cruise Control: C


  • Speed Limiter Toggle: No Default Key Binding


  • Hail Target: 9


  • VTOL Mode Toggle: K


  • Dynamic Zoom In / Out Toggle / Look Ahead: No Default Key Bind


  • Dynamic Zoom In / Out: LEFT ALT + MOUSE WHEEL


  • Systems Ready: R


  • Open / Close Doors: K


  • Lock / Unlock Doors: L


  • Horn: SPACEBAR


  • Break: X


  • Drive Forward: W


  • Drive Backward: S


  • Turn Left: A


  • Turn Right: D


  • Roll Right: E


  • Roll Left: Q


  • Primary Fire: LEFT MOUSE BUTTON


  • Secondary Fire: RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON


  • Dynamic Zoom In / Out: LEFT ALT + MOUSE WHEEL


  • Vehicle Light: T


  • 1 20 1

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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