While playing the game, press the ~ key (located below the Escape (ESC) key) to open the console window. Note: You might need to switch your keyboard layout to “US” to use this feature. Then, enter one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:



Cheat Codes

  • create_unit (general name) (unit name) (number) – Adds number of specified unit to the named general’s army.


  • give_trait (character name) (trait) (level) – Gives named character the specified level of specified trait.


  • process_cq (settlement name) – Completes building everything in the named settlement’s queue.


  • add_population (settlement name) (amount) – Adds specified amount of population to the named settlement.


  • capture_settlement (city name) – Gives you control of the specified city.


  • oliphaunt – Grants one unit of Yubtseb Elephants.


  • add_money (amount) – Grants specified amount of money.


  • kill_character (character) – Kills specified character.


  • season (summer/winter) – Grants ability to change seasons.


  • date (year) – Lets you change the campaign’s year.


  • Jericho – Destroys enemy walls.


  • toggle_fow – Toggles fog of war on or off.


  • auto_win (attacker/defender) – Automatically wins auto-resolve battles.


  • toggle_perfect_spy – Sets everyone’s spying ability to perfect while also granting infinite range.




The following are all the Total War: ROME REMASTERED achievements and how you can unlock them:


  • Hail Caesar! Achieve victory in the Julii long campaign.


  • Brutal Victory Achieve victory in the Brutii long campaign.


  • Islands in the Stream Achieve victory in the Scipii long campaign.


  • Walk Like an Egyptian Achieve victory in the Egyptian long campaign.


  • In the Footsteps of Alexander Achieve victory in the Seleucid long campaign.


  • A Very Large Oxhide in Very Thin Strips Achieve victory in the Carthaginian long campaign.


  • Parthing the Time Achieve victory in the Parthian long campaign.


  • The Sheer Gaul Achieve victory in the Gaul long campaign.


  • Ich bin ein Berliner! Achieve victory in the German long campaign.


  • It’s All Greek Achieve victory in the Greek long campaign.


  • Rule Britannia Achieve victory in the Britannia long campaign.


  • Now Go Play The Expansion! Achieve victory in the Macedon long campaign.


  • Diadochi Underdog Achieve victory in the Pontus long campaign.


  • Battle Tanks in an Age of Spears Achieve victory in the Armenia long campaign.


  • Falxes are Overpowered in d20 Achieve victory in the Dacia long campaign.


  • The Hardest Route Achieve victory in the Numidia long campaign.


  • Feminist Wave Achieve victory in the Scythia long campaign.


  • Iberian Adventures Achieve victory in the Spain long campaign.


  • Spartacus Would be Proud Achieve victory in the Thrace long campaign.


  • Little Caesar Achieve victory in the Julii short campaign.


  • Nasty, Brutish and Short Achieve victory in the Brutii short campaign.


  • Afri-carnage Achieve victory in the Scipii short campaign.


  • Trip to Giza Achieve victory in the Egyptian short campaign.


  • Cutting the Gordian Knot Again Achieve victory in the Seleucid short campaign.


  • Having a Ba’al Achieve victory in the Carthaginian short campaign.


  • The Quickest Parth Achieve victory in the Parthian short campaign.


  • Your Place or Rhine? Achieve victory in the Gaul short campaign.


  • Maximum Efficiency Achieve victory in the German short campaign.


  • A Sprint, Not a Marathon Achieve victory in the Greek short campaign.


  • Talk the Torc Achieve victory in the Britannia short campaign.


  • Between the Hammer and the Anvil Achieve victory in the Macedon short campaign.


  • Bu-But I Do Want to Play as Pontus! Achieve victory in the Pontus short campaign.


  • Nobody’s Vassal Achieve victory in the Armenia short campaign.


  • Transylvanian Hunger Achieve victory in the Dacia short campaign.


  • Go Light or Go Home Achieve victory in the Numidia short campaign.


  • Here Comes the Hot Stepper Achieve victory in the Scythia short campaign.


  • Iberian Holiday Achieve victory in the Spain short campaign.


  • Not Just a Pretty Thrace Achieve victory in the Thrace short campaign.


  • Crossing the Rubicon Defeat one other Roman Faction as a Roman faction.


  • Top of the Pile Defeat two other Roman Factions as a Roman faction.


  • Romanes Eunt Domus Defeat the Julii Faction.


  • Brutal Defeat Defeat the Brutii Faction.


  • Caught Scipii-ing Defeat the Scipii Faction.


  • Usurper Defeat the Senate as a Roman faction.


  • Conqueror Defeat the Senate as a non-Roman faction.


  • Even That Little Armorican Village… Defeat Gaul.


  • Better luck next millenium Defeat Britannia.


  • Fog on the Rhine Defeat Germania.


  • Alexander Turning in His Grave Defeat Macedon.


  • Hellenism’s End Defeat the Seleucid Empire.


  • Parthian Shot Defeat Parthia.


  • Histria repeating Defeat Dacia.


  • Comfortably Numidia Defeat Numidia.


  • Better Luck in the Fifteenth Century Defeat Spain.


  • Ptolemnity Defeat Egypt.


  • Carthago delenda est Defeat Carthage.


  • Beside The Black Seaside Defeat Pontus.


  • Tigranes the not-so-Great Defeat Armenia.


  • Parthe gone Defeat the Greek Cities.


  • Steppe Down Defeat Scythia.


  • About Thrace Defeat Thrace.


  • Hannibal riding high Achieve victory in the battle of Lake Trasimene.


  • Hell(enistic) of a Showdown Achieve victory in the battle of Raphia.


  • Celtic brothers Achieve victory in the battle of Telamon.


  • The Empire Strikes Back Achieve victory in the siege of Gergovia.


  • It’s A Trap! Achieve victory in the battle of the River Trebia.


  • And Without Those Anti-Elephant Wagons, Too… Achieve victory in the battle of Asculum.


  • Gold Rush Achieve victory in the battle of Carrhae.


  • Phalanx for the Memories Achieve victory in the battle of Cynoscephalae.


  • Quintili Vare, Legiones Redde! Achieve victory in the battle of Teutoburg Forest.


  • This is Sparta! Achieve victory in the siege of Sparta.


  • Time Commanders Participation Award Achieve victory in all Historical Battles.


  • Clash of the Titans Capture Statue of Zeus at Olympia.


  • Shadow of the Colossus Capture Colossus of Rhodes.


  • The Hunter and the Hunted Capture Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.


  • Light The Way Capture Pharos of Alexandria.


  • Cultural Monopoly Hold all the wonders in the game.


  • The Student Becomes the Master Complete the Tutorial.


  • Rock Me, Marius Reach the Marius Event.


  • Bye-Byzantium Achieve victory in the Eastern Roman Empire campaign.


  • Full Octavian Achieve victory in the Western Roman Empire campaign.


  • Hun and Gun Achieve victory in the Huns campaign.


  • Every Day is Halloween Achieve victory in the Goths campaign.


  • I Am the God of Hellfire… Achieve victory in the Sarmatians campaign.


  • Not-so-mindless Vandalism Achieve victory in the Vandals campaign.


  • Charlemagne-ia Achieve victory in the Franks campaign.


  • Heavy Metal Thunder Achieve victory in the Saxons campaign.


  • Blue Meanies Achieve victory in the Celts campaign.


  • Bringing the Sass Achieve victory in the Sassanids campaign.


  • Like a Boss-phoran Achieve victory in the Roxolani campaign.


  • Ecstasy and Danger Achieve victory in the Ostrogoth campaign.


  • Romano-Britain’s Got Talent Achieve victory in the Romano-British campaign.


  • Slavs to the Rhythm Achieve victory in the Slavic campaign.


  • Grand Cru Achieve victory in the Burgundii campaign.


  • Berber-ian Invasion Achieve victory in the Berber campaign.


  • Suebi Got Back Achieve victory in the Alemanni campaign.


  • The Iron Crown Achieve victory in the Lombardi campaign.


  • Constanti-nope-le Defeat the Eastern Roman Empire.


  • Divided They Fall Defeat the Western Roman Empire.


  • Huns on the Run Defeat the Huns.


  • Coffin Fodder Defeat the Goths.


  • Horses for Courses Defeat the Sarmatians.


  • Vandemonium Defeat the Vandals.


  • Frankly my dear… Defeat the Franks.


  • I Shed Saxon Blood! Defeat the Saxons.


  • Poor Suebi Defeat the Alemanni.


  • Civilisation Halted Defeat the Sassanids.


  • Pict On Defeat the Celts.


  • Back to Bornholm Defeat the Burgundii.


  • Lombarded Defeat the Lombardi.


  • Lights Out Defeat the Roxolani.


  • I Don’t Like Sand Defeat the Berbers.


  • Slavish Devotion Defeat the Slavs.


  • Ain’t it Grand to be Blooming Well Dead! Defeat the Romano British.


  • Ostracised Defeat the Ostrogoths.


  • Rebel Yell Defeat the Eastern Roman Rebels.


  • Rebel Rebel Defeat the Western Roman Rebels.


  • The Darker the Night, the Brighter the Stars Win a Night Battle without using Auto-resolve.


  • Stonehenge, ‘Tis a Magic Place Make Paganism the majority religion.


  • 1 20 1

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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