Solasta 2: How Stealth & Ambush Mechanics Work (Cautious Mode)
Cautious Mode: Welcome the Shadows (and the Edge)
So you want to get stealthy in Solasta 2? Beyond just face-tanking through all your fights? Wise move. How about Cautious Mode? It’s not simply a function of slowing your walk speed; it’s a whole system around tactical leverage & avoiding unnecessary face-tanking. Think of it like your preemptive strike button – let’s see how best to use it and actually derive some benefit from being cautious, rather than just feeling like you’re wading through molasses…
In the unforgiving world of Solasta 2 there are times when charging into a pack of goblins headfirst isn’t the best plan (shocking, I know). That’s where Cautious Mode comes in – activate it, and you’ll see:
Your party steps into a slower, more measured pace – this isn’t merely for immersion – it actually makes them sneaky.
Perception levels go up across the board. Your characters are far more likely to stumble upon traps – those nasty surprises that can ruin a good dungeon crawl. They also gain an edge in discovering hidden objects – that seemingly innocent wall? It could be a secret passage revealed through Cautious Mode…
For some classes especially the Rogue, Cautious Mode is not just an advantage -> it’s part of their nature. So if you’re playing a Rogue and not paying attention to Cautious Mode, you’re missing out on a lot of what they have to offer…
Noise Ring: Your Audible Footprint
Alright, you’re sneaking around the dungeon in Cautious Mode, and you’re invisible. Reality check; you’re not actually invisible. That Noise Ring you see around your party? That’s your sound signature, enemies within this ring will begin to detect you. It’s your own “aggro radius,” but for stealth gameplay.
The radius of this Noise Ring is variable. It’s largely up to your equipment. Heavy armor equals a larger ring, so trying to sneak in full plate is like sneaking through wind chimes –> not effective. Stealth skill however, can help reduce your noise, effectively shrinking the ring. Equipment choice and skill points invested directly influence your stealth.
Detection Gauge
Thus, an enemy has wandered into your Noise Ring. Now the Detection Gauge appears. This is the enemy’s growing suspicion and movement towards discovering you. If you remain stationary, the gauge will rapidly fill, and stealth will be broken. Detection acquired. To maintain stealth, movement is required. Rearrange the party, use cover, break line of sight.
This is a dynamic stealth mini-game whenever you have hostiles nearby. The fill rate of the gauge is based on your party’s mean Stealth skill (the higher -> the better) compared to the enemy’s Perception skill (the higher the enemy’s Perception, the quicker the fill). Secondly, note light sources. Torches, light spells, etc., significantly increase your visibility and accelerate detection. Darkness is your ally when stealth is involved.
Ambushing Unsuspecting Enemies
Cautious Mode is not just evasiveness, but an active initiative you take on your own terms. In stealth, you can creep up on unaware enemies, where the circumstances for a preemptive strike are available to be taken. Once you close the gap unseen, the Ambush button will be in your Action Bar. Pressing this allows you to choose a target from among the enemies & continue with the ambush process.
This allows for concentrated firepower and intentional target selection right at the start of combat. But a warning: don’t over-advance. Closing up too much distance before employing the Ambush action can lead to early detection and a bad engagement before you get a chance to exploit the ambush benefit. Patience and distance are your allies.
Stealth Group Check: Dice Rolls Determine Surprise
Ambush is unleashed! Combat starts, and everyone rolls Initiative, as always. The ambush benefit manifests in the potential to impose the Surprised condition on unsuspecting enemies… This is governed by the Stealth Group Check. Your group does a group Stealth check, deciding on a DC for the enemies’ next Perception Checks.
Enemies who fail their own Perception Checks against your group’s Stealth DC are Surprised for the first combat round.
Effects of Surprise
Being Surprised in Solasta 2 is a significant disadvantage… For the Surprised fighter:
Movement and Actions are prohibited on their initial turn. They are essentially stunned and cannot attack or even move from their location – reactions are also impaired until the end of their turn; this leaves them vulnerable to attacks of opportunity & other reactive abilities.
In effect, a Surprised character loses their entire first turn. While Initiative still influences turn order for subsequent rounds, losing a turn immediately is a serious tactical setback.