Solasta 2 Character Classes: A Beginner’s Guide
Choosing your Solasta 2 class is like picking a flavor of apocalypse – do you want the divine sprinkles of a Cleric, the blunt force brownie of a Fighter, or maybe the sneaky sorbet of a Rogue?
The Cleric
Clerics are living instruments of the gods, who gain their holy powers through use of divinely gifted spells, but are also decent combatants.
Clerics can use a wide variety of magic, including some of the most powerful healing & defensive spells. They are often the saviors of their party.
Divine Domain
Clerics worship a deity, pantheon, or immortal entity that provides them with a specific list of spells that they always have prepared.
Channel Divinity
At level 2, Clerics begin to channel their link to the divine through specific powers. They need to take a Long Rest to recover these abilities.
The Fighter
Fighters are trained for battle, they master all kinds of weapons, melee or ranged, and are capable of tremendous physical prowess.
Fighting Style
Fighters start with a combat specialization that makes them more effective in battle. This can include Archery, Defense, Dueling, Great Weapon Fighting, Protection, or Dual Weapon Fighting.
Second Wind
Fighters can use their Bonus Action to regain 1D10+ level Hit Points, but need to take a Short Rest to recover a use of this ability.
Action Surge
At level 2, Fighters can take an additional Main Action once, and need to take a Short Rest to recover this ability.
The Paladin
Paladins are good at fighting and using divine magic. In general, you should send them to melee range and use their protective and healing powers when necessary.
Protective and Healing Powers
Healing Hands
Paladins can heal allies by touching them, using a pool of Hit Points equal to 5 times their level.
At level 2, Paladins can expend Spell Slots to increase their damage with this
Radiant power when striking an enemy with a melee attack.
The Rogue
Rogues are versatile and cunning. They are excellent at navigating the battlefield, dodging and exploiting their enemies’ weaknesses.
Sneak Attack
Once per turn, the Rogue can deal extra damage with an attack if they have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. A Rogue does not need advantage if another enemy of their target is within 5 feet of it. Stay close to your allies!
Cunning Action
At level 2, Rogues can use their Bonus Action to take the Dash, Disengage or Hide action.
The Sorcerer
Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters that draw their powers from a specific bloodline. They wield metamagic, a unique ability to shape magic beyond what wizards can do.
Sorcerous Origins
Depending on their bloodline – Sorcerers possess specific powers that increase their abilities.
At level 2, Sorcerers gain sorcery points that allow them to modify their spells: making them more powerful in various ways.
To activate Metamagic, use the toggle in your Actions bar.
Once activated, Metamagic options will appear each time you cast a spell.
Select the option you wish to use or press the Skip button to cast the spell as usual.