Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX: Attributes: Monster Stats Explained - MGW

Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX: Attributes: Monster Stats Explained

Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX: Attributes: Monster Stats Explained

Monster Rancher 1: Attributes: Monster Stats

You can view the info about your current monster by selecting “Monster” through the “Data” menu at the Ranch.



Life (LIF) The monster’s health. The monster will lose the battle (KO) if this reaches 0.
Power (POW) Increases the damage dealt with certain techniques.
Defense (DEF) Decreases the damage received.
Skill (SKI) Increases the accuracy of attacks.
Speed (SPD) Increases the evasion rate.
Intelligence (INT) Increases the damage of certain techniques. It also lowers the chance of getting lost while exploring.
Total The sum of the monster’s attribute values.
Fame Fame value (0-100) is decided to depend on the results of the tournaments, and higher fame increases the chances of critical hits.
Loyalty Affects work, training, and battles.
Training Status Analysis of your training style.
TYPE The monster’s type.
GRADE The Grade of your current monster. (E < D < C < B < A < S)
NAME Your monster’s name.
AGE Your monster’s age.



Monster Rancher 2: Attributes: Monster Stats

Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX: Attributes: Monster Stats Explained


Life (LIF) The monster’s health. The monster will lose the battle (KO) if this reaches 0.
Power (POW) Increases the damage dealt with and decreases the damage received from striking techniques.
Intelligence (INT) Increases the damage dealt with and decreases the damage received from intelligence-type techniques. It also lowers the chance of getting lost while exploring.
Skill (SKI) Increases accuracy and hit rate of certain techniques.
Speed (SPD) Increases evasion rate.
Defense (DEF) Decreases the damage received.
Total The sum of the monster’s ability values.
Fame Fame value (0-100) is decided to depend on the results of the tournaments, and higher fame increases the chances of critical hits.
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The monster’s type.
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The Grade of your current monster. (E < D < C < B < A < S)
NAME Your monster’s name.
AGE Your monster’s age.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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