Lust from Beyond: All Collectables Locations - MGW

Lust from Beyond: All Collectables Locations

Lust from Beyond

Clown Figurines

1. On a crate around the corner from the rear of Victor’s car


2. Across the street from the clown pedestal


3. In the window of the building with the blue door (across from the hotel)


4. Near the tiki bar – across the street from the phone


5. Up the stairs at the end of the street – near the bar


6. On the 1st floor of the bar – on the right side, on some crates


7. On a table near the flyer


after escaping the hotel


8. On a crate at the start of chapter 5


9. On the 2nd floor of the bar, in a locked chest (requires bolt cutters)



Toy’s Arms

during the escape from the hotel


1. On the end table in room 206 (the room you escape into through the window)


2. On the end table in room 108 – next to the corpse at the far end of the room



Lauv’abrarc Figurines

1. In the drawer at the top of the spiral staircase (outside Victor’s room)


2. On the shelves in the attic at the top of the ladder


3. In the bust with the missing skull piece on the staircase (the skull is on Sabinian’s bookshelf)


4. In the painting safe (see paintings below)




  • Heaven – Inside the grandfather clock in the top-floor hallway


  • Earth – On a chair next to the pool table


  • Hell – In the cupboard in the lounge, across from the library


(Place them in this order on the wall)



Book of Secrets – Demiurges

during the first visit to Lusst’ghaa


1. On a pedestal right before the long jumpscare tunnel


after being forced into Lusst’ghaa on the cross


2. On a pedestal after the sliding platform puzzle, up ahead before the sneaky route


during the first visit to Lusst’ghaa with Amanda


3. In the cave off to the right, halfway through the vorh’n/m’nag tutorial, up the slope


during the search for the mask of Ughro’ecna


4. On a pedestal past the optional corruption puzzle – next to the third orb


return to Xu’thrar


5. In the catacombs directly after the first boss stage (before Amanda’s ambush)



Book of Secrets – Scarlet Lodge

1. On the table in the building with the blue door (across from the hotel)


during the escape from the hotel


2. In a secret compartment opened by finding the toy on the phone’s missing arms


after entering the theater


3. In the chest in the storage room near the men’s bathroom


returning to save Lily


4. On the table behind the curtain near the safe


5. On the desk behind the hand door



Book of Secrets – Queen of Ecstasy

1. In Sabinian’s cupboard – next to the bookshelf


2. (Still searching for this one. Please comment if you have found it.)


3. In the painting safe (see paintings above)


after the attack in the mansion


4. On the table behind Theodore in the ritual room


5. On Amanda’s bed before entering the portal


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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