Distant Worlds 2: Increasing your Influence & Borders
Increasing your Influence & Borders
You’ll notice that as your empire expands on the galaxy map level, your influence (marked by your empire’s color) also expands to encompass nearby systems. How does this work? Well, the first and by far most important contribution to influence comes from your
populated worlds.
When you add a new world to your empire, it immediately stakes a claim to its area and starts to exert influence proportional to its population and development. Small frontier colonies will not claim much, but large, prosperous worlds can extend quite a lot of influence.
If your worlds are exerting more influence than that of nearby empires, systems in between your inhabited systems can even change hands as borders shift, and entire worlds could even potentially choose to change their allegiance.
Exploration and other kinds of expansion, such as building stations, also have a minor effect on your influence, but your populated worlds are by far the biggest factor.
You can also check out our other Distant Worlds 2 guides.