Distant Worlds 2: A Beginner's Guide to The Races - MGW

Distant Worlds 2: A Beginner’s Guide to The Races

Distant Worlds 2: A Beginner's Guide to The Races

Distant Worlds 2 factions are not easy to learn. They have specific habitats, personality traits, customization modifiers, specific bonuses, technologypreferred Governments, and even different victory conditions. They even harbor different feelings towards other factions, and while some are adaptable, others are downright hostile towards another.


The factions you pick also affect diplomatic relations with your neighboring empires. It also determines your choice of victory conditions, since all factions specialize in different fields. What follows is a small guide to help you understand all the playable races in Distant Worlds 2. You can also check out our other Distant Worlds 2 guides to improve your understanding of the game.



All Racial Bonuses, Technologies & Preferred World Bonuses

Name, Reproduction Rate, Playstyle & Preferred Governments Preferred Worlds & Bonuses Unique Technology & Bonus Modifiers Victory Conditions (Percentage required)
Ackdarian 6%






Ocean, Deep Ocean


Assimilation: 0%


Aggression: -10%



All Research: +5% 


Construction Research: +15%


Ship Maintenence Savings: +5%


Ship Construction Speed: +10%


Ship Energy Savings: +5%

Turbo Thruster (Efficient Engines),


Skip Fighters (Fast Interceptors)


Wave Bombers (Fast Bombers)

– Perform the most research in the galaxy.


– Own the largest Capital Ship in the Galaxy.


– Control the 1 largest Ocean Colonies in the Galaxy.


– Have the most Research Treaties in the galaxy.

Boskara 8%




(Hive Mind,

Military Dictatorship)

Volcanic, Sulphur Volcanic


Assimilation: -40%


Aggression: +40% (Very Aggressive)


Weapon Research: +5%


War Weariness Reduction: +50%


Ground Attack Strength: +10%


Mining Rate: +15%


Weapon Damage Increase: +10%


Diplomacy: -20%

Firestorm Torpedo (Improved Energy Torpedos),


FluxHardened Armor (Better Reactive Armor), 


Plasma Blasters (High Damage Pulse Blasters)

– Control most Homeworlds in the galaxy.


– Destroy the most enemy troops in the galaxy.


– Exterminate and Enslave the most people in the galaxy.


– Destroy the most enemy ships and bases in the galaxy.

Haakonish 5%





Mercantile Guild)

Marshy Swamp, Mangrove Forest


Assimilation: -40%


Aggression: +15 (Aggressive)


Engine Research: +10%


Counter-Espionage: +10%


HyperDrive Research: +10%


Hyperjump Speed: +10%


Ship Energy Savings: +5%


Diplomacy: -10%


War Weariness Reduction: +20%

Mega-Density Fuel Cell (Longer Range Fuel Cell),


Dealbreaker Beam (Longer Range Gravitic Beam), 


Starfield Generator (Stealth Countermeasures)

– Control 1 location(s) supplying high-value resources (Loros Fruit, Korabbian Spice, ZentabiaFluid).


– Earn the most Trade Economy in the galaxy.

Humans 6%






Lowland plains of Continental, Grassland, and Forest planets.


Assimilation: 0%


Aggression: +10% (Aggressive)


All Research: +5%


Diplomacy: +10%


War Weariness Reduction: +10%


Espionage: +10%


Trade Income: +5%

Gyrfalcon Fighters (Accurate Interceptors),


Bulwark Missiles (Accurate Point Defense), 


Hail Cannons (High Rate of Fire Rail Guns)

– Control 100% of all Continental Colonies in the galaxy.


– Have the most Defense Treaties in the galaxy.


– Destroy more enemy ships and bases than you lose.


– Earn the most Tourist Income in the galaxy.


– Earn the most Trade income in the galaxy.

Mortalen 5%




(Military Dictatorship,


Rocky Desert, Desert Savannah


Assimilation: -50%


Aggression: +30% (Very Aggressive)


War Weariness Reduction: +40%


Weapons Research: +10%


Armor Research: +20%


Mining Rate: +10%


Ship Maneuvering: +20%


Troop Recovery Rate: +20%


Diplomacy: -15%


Damage Control: +10%


Ship Maintenence Savings: +10%

Swiftvector Thrusters (More Maneuverable), 


Pulse Torpedos (Higher Rate of Fire Energy Torpedos),


Multilock Sensors (Improved Targeting)

– Have the most experienced General in the galaxy.


– Have the most experienced Admiral in the galaxy.


– Conquer the most enemy colonies.


– Win a least 70% of Wars.


– Subjugate the most empires in the galaxy.

Teekan 7%




(Merchantile Guild,


Rocky Desert, Desert Savannah


Assimilation: +20%


Aggression: -10% (Neutral)


Mining Rate: +20%


Damage Control: +10%


Repair Rate: +10%


Trade Income: +10%


Ship Construction Speed: +10%

ZimZip Shuttles (Improved Speed/ Defense Strike Fighters), 


Ion Bombs (Improved Ion Area Weapons),


Grapple Beam (Long Range Tractor Beam)

– Start the fewest Wars in the galaxy.


– Earn the most Trade Income in the galaxy.


– Gain the most research and tech from salvage.


– Have the most NonAggression Pacts in the galaxy.


– Destroy the most Vordikars.

Zenox 5%






Tundra Wastelands, Frozen Ice Planets


Assimilation: -10%


Aggression: 0% (Neutral)


Ship Recharge Rate: +10%


Shields Research: +15%


Espionage: +10%


Counter-Espionage: +10%


PsyOps: +25%

Megatron Z4 Shields (Improved Recharge Rate Shields), 


Crystal Sensors (Improved Short Range Sensors), 


Star Beams (Accurate Beam weapons)

– Control the most ruins in the galaxy.


– Lose the fewest ships and bases in the galaxy.


– Lose the fewest troops in the galaxy.


– Build the Planetary Missile Defense at a colony.


– Explore 100% of the galaxy.


Races also receive different bonuses depending on the type of Government you choose. Read more about it in our Distant Worlds 2 Government guide. Each race also has different infantry troops, and while their recruitment and upkeep costs are similar, their stats vary greatly. Read more about it in our Distant Worlds 2 troop guide.


Hopefully, you have found our guide to playable factions useful. Don’t forget to mention your opinions in the comments below.


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