theHunter: Call of the Wild - 9 Beginner Tips - MGW

theHunter: Call of the Wild – 9 Beginner Tips

theHunter: Call of the Wild - 9 Beginner Tips

TheHunter: Call of the Wild is a realistic hunting simulation game that allows players to experience the thrill of tracking and hunting a variety of different animals in a beautiful open world environment. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or a beginner, there are always ways to improve your skills and increase your chances of success. In this article we will provide nine beginner tips that will help you get started and have a more enjoyable and successful experience in TheHunter: Call of the Wild. These tips cover a range of topics, including stealth, patience, equipment selection, and paying attention to the environment, and will help you get the most out of your hunts.



Plan your hunt in advance

Before heading out into the wild, take some time to scout the area and identify the locations of the animals you are targeting. Look for tracks, scat, or other signs of their presence to get a sense of their movements and behaviors. This can help you determine the best places to set up your blind or to position yourself for a shot. Additionally, consider the equipment you will need for your hunt, such as the type of weapon, ammunition, and any specialized gear that may be required.



Use scent-eliminating equipment and strategies to stay stealthy

One of the most important aspects of theHunter: Call of the Wild is staying stealthy and avoiding detection by animals. One way to do this is by using scent-eliminating equipment, such as scent-eliminating spray and scent-eliminating clothing. These items can help mask your human scent and reduce the chances of animals detecting your presence.


Additionally, there are a few strategies you can use to stay stealthy while hunting. One is to use the wind to your advantage. Pay attention to the direction of the wind and try to position yourself downwind of the animal you are hunting, as this will make it more difficult for them to smell you. Another strategy is to stay low to the ground and avoid making unnecessary noise. This can include crouching or crawling to stay out of sight and using a muffler on your gun to reduce the noise of the shot.



Pay attention to the weather and time of day, as they can significantly impact your hunt

The weather and time of day in theHunter: Call of the Wild can have a big impact on your hunt, as different animals are more active and easier to spot at different times. For example, some animals are more active at dawn and dusk, while others are more active during the middle of the day. Additionally, the weather can affect the behavior of animals. For example, they may be more active on a sunny day than on a cloudy one. By paying attention to the weather and time of day, you can choose the best times to hunt and increase your chances of success.



Learn the animals and their behaviors

One of the key aspects of theHunter: Call of the Wild is understanding the various animals that you will encounter in the game. Each species has its own unique behaviors and characteristics, and learning these can greatly improve your chances of success on your hunts. For example, deer are generally timid and will run away if they sense danger, while predators like wolves and bears are more aggressive and may attack if they feel threatened. By familiarizing yourself with the behaviors of different animals, you can tailor your approach and tactics to better suit the situation at hand.



Use the “Call” feature to attract animals and improve your chances of a successful hunt

In theHunter: Call of the Wild, you have the ability to use a variety of different calls to attract animals. These calls mimic the sounds that animals make in the wild and can be used to draw them closer to you, making them easier to spot and shoot. You can use calls that mimic the sounds of different animals, such as deer, elk, or predators, depending on what you’re hunting. Additionally, you can use calls to lure animals out of hiding or to distract them while you move into position for a shot. By mastering the use of calls, you can greatly improve your chances of a successful hunt.



Practice and master different types of shots

Different animals in theHunter: Call of the Wild have different vulnerabilities and require different types of shots to be taken down effectively. It is important to practice and master different types of shots, such as headshots, body shots, and heart-lung shots, in order to increase your chances of success. Pay attention to the anatomy of the animals you are hunting, and aim for the most vulnerable areas to maximize your chances of a clean kill.



Use the right equipment and loadouts for the hunt

TheHunter: Call of the Wild offers a wide range of equipment and loadouts that can be customized to suit different hunting situations. Choosing the right equipment and loadouts can greatly impact your success, as they can affect your stealth, accuracy, and mobility. For example, if you are hunting in a dense forest, you might want to choose a loadout with a shorter barrel and a silencer to help you move through the trees more easily and stay hidden. On the other hand, if you are hunting in open terrain, you might want to choose a loadout with a longer barrel and a higher caliber for increased accuracy and power. Experiment with different equipment and loadouts to find what works best for you and the hunt at hand.



Purple Area

In theHunter: Call of the Wild, it’s important to be mindful of the impact that your hunting can have on the behavior of the animals in the area. If you hunt too frequently in the same area, the animals will become more cautious and may stop coming to that area altogether. This is represented on the map by a purple area, which indicates the areas where you have hunted recently. The more intense the purple color, the more hunting activity has occurred in that area.


To avoid scaring off the animals and negatively impacting your hunting success, try to vary your hunting locations and avoid hunting in the same area too frequently. This will give the animals time to return to their normal behaviors and allow you to have a better chance of success on your hunts. Additionally, be mindful of the times when the animals are most active in an area, such as when they come to drink water or feed. If you hunt in these areas too often, the animals may stop coming at those times, which can greatly reduce your chances of a successful hunt.



Maximizing Scores

In theHunter: Call of the Wild, the main objective of the game is to hunt and score the highest points possible. To do this, it’s important to identify the animals in your area and choose the ones with the highest scores to hunt. Each animal has its own level, with small animals having the highest scores in the early levels of the game and larger animals, such as bison, elk, and lions, providing higher scores at higher levels.


To maximize your points, it’s important to consider several factors when shooting an animal. First, try to shoot the animal with as few bullets as possible, as using more bullets will decrease your score. Second, use the appropriate type of ammunition for the animal you’re hunting. Third, use your binoculars to spot the animal before shooting it, as this will increase your score. Finally, aim for the animal’s vital organs, such as the heart, liver, and stomach. Hitting these organs will increase your chances of a successful hunt and result in a higher score.


It’s also important to consider the position of the animal when shooting. The best position to shoot from is directly opposite or from the back, as these angles allow you to aim for the vital organs. When the animal is in a side position, aim for the lungs, slightly above the point where the front foot meets the body. This will ensure that the animal falls quickly and with minimal suffering.


Finally, pay attention to the trace of blood left by the animal after being shot. If the blood is pink and dense, it indicates that the animal has been hit in a vital organ and will fall within 50-100 meters. If the blood is red and less dense, it may be more difficult to track the animal and it may not fall at all. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt and score higher points in TheHunter: Call of the Wild.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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