Kerbal Space Program 2: List of Hotkeys and Keyboard Shortcuts
I’ve always wanted to travel into space. I’m deathly afraid of heights and the thought of being trapped in a rocket as it leaves the atmosphere is a kind of existential terror that I can’t even imagine, but being in space seems like it would be pretty cool. So far that dream has only been sated by video games, and one of my favorite space video games has been Kerbal Space Program.
Building sometimes functional, sometimes dangerous rocket ships for these little guys to go up into space is so much fun, and you learn a little bit about physics too! And now, you get even more Kerbal action in Kerbal Space Program 2, a sequel that is bigger, better & more explosive if you aren’t careful.
Part of keeping your Kerbals alive and making sure they get up into space safely is knowing all of the game’s controls. It’s not a super complicated control system, but the mechanics involved in building and testing are so complex that the smallest error at the beginning of the process can balloon into something very problematic later. For that reason, you really do need to know these controls.
And just like always, we’re here to back you up with this Kerbal Space Program 2 PC keyboard controls and hotkeys guide. It has everything you need to know neatly organized, so keep it open while you play in case you need to reference it in a pinch. Let’s try to save as many Kerbals from an unfortunate demise as we possibly can!
Keyboard Controls Key Bindings
Flight Controls
- Pitch: W and S
- Yaw: A and D
- Roll: Q and E
- Translate X: J and L
- Translate Y: I and K
- Translate Z: N and H
- Toggle Docking Controls: Delete
- Toggle Precision Controls: Caps Lock
- Trim Modifier: Left ALT
- Throttle Delta: Left Ctrl or Left Shift
- Max Throttle: Z
- Cut Throttle: X
- Activate Next Stage: Space Bar
- Toggle SAS: T
- Toggle RCS: R
- Toggle Landing Gear: G
- Engage Brakes: B
- Toggle Lights: U
- Trigger Action Group 1: 1
- Trigger Action Group 2: 2
- Trigger Action Group 3: 3
- Trigger Action Group 4: 4
- Trigger Action Group 5: 5
- Trigger Action Group 6: 6
- Trigger Action Group 7: 7
- Trigger Action Group 8: 8
- Trigger Action Group 9: 9
- Trigger Action Group 10: 0
- Toggle Map View: M
- Focus Next Vessel: ]
- Focus Previous Vessel: [
- Flight Camera Mode (Chase/Orbit/etc.): V
- Camera Fine Movement: Left ALT or Right ALT
- Toggle Flight HUD: F2
- Toggle Mouse Look: TAB
- Quicksave: F5
- Load Quicksave: F9
- Increase Time Warp: .
- Decrease Time Warp: ,
- Stop Time Warp: /
- Toggle Pause Menu: ESC
- Walk Left/Right: A and D
- Strate Left/Right: Q and E
- Walk Forward/Backward: W and S
- Rotate Yaw (Jetpack): Q and E
- Center Camera in VAB: I and K
- Rotate Roll (Jetpack): J and L
- Run: Left Shift
- Jump: Space Bar
- Delete Assembly (while selected): Delete or Backspace
- Cycle Symmetry Mode Forward: X
- Cycle Symmetry Mode Back: Left Shift X
- Toggle Angle Snap: C
- Disable Stack Attachment: ALT
- Reset Part Orientation: Space Bar
- Center camera in VAB: Home
- fastScrollModifier: Left Shift and right Shift
- Copy Selected Assembly: Control + C
- Search Parts: Control + F
- Paste Copied Assembly: Control + V
- undo: Left Ctrl + Z
- redo: Left Ctrl + Y
- cameraFastModifier: Left Shift and Right Shift
- rotatePitch: S and W
- rotateYaw: A and D
- rotateRoll: Q and E
- Select All Primary Assembly: Control + A
Map View
- Reset Camera: Home