How to Upgrade Flint Tools to Obsidian Tools in Roots of Pacha - MGW

How to Upgrade Flint Tools to Obsidian Tools in Roots of Pacha


How to Craft Obsidian Tools in Roots of Pacha

Upgrading your tools in Roots of Pacha is essential for enhancing your gaming experience, and Obsidian tools are a significant improvement over Flint ones. This quick guide will give you a brief rundown of how to upgrade Flint tools to Obsidian tools in the game.



Complete the Owl Totem Challenge/Puzzle

To access the caves containing Obsidian, you first need to complete the Owl Totem Challenge. This challenge is a requirement for unlocking the areas where Obsidian is located. Be sure to finish this challenge to proceed with the upgrade process.



Find and Mine Obsidian

After completing the Owl Totem Challenge, go to the Short Flight Room and head north through the caves. Refer to the image below to pinpoint the exact location of Obsidian deposits in the caves. Mine the Obsidian, which will unlock the idea from Acre and trigger the Research Quest.





Finish the Research Quest

Once you’ve discovered Obsidian, Tare will start the Research Quest. She will ask you to deliver 10 Obsidian to her. After giving Tare the Obsidian, wait for two days, and she will direct you to place a new building, the Tool Station, in an appropriate location.



Research Obsidian

To research the Obsidian Idea, you need to reach 16,000 prosperity. This research is a crucial step to unlock the Obsidian Tool Station, where you’ll be able to craft your new Obsidian tools.



Build the Tool Station

Select a location for the Tool Station and wait for Croll to finish building it. This process might take a few days. Once construction is complete, you’ll have access to the Tool Station, where Acre can craft Obsidian tools for you.



Craft Obsidian Tools

With the Tool Station ready, you can now ask Acre to craft Obsidian tools, which are more durable and efficient than Flint ones. Here are the materials needed and the prosperity points for each Obsidian tool:



Obsidian Hammer:

Requires Obsidian Working (Flint Hammer)


Materials: 15x Wood, 30x Obsidian, 15x Plant Fiber


Prosperity Points: 680



Obsidian Axe:

Requires Obsidian Working (Flint Axe)


Materials: 5x Hardwood, 20x Obsidian


Prosperity Points: 480



Obsidian Sickle:

Materials: 35x Wood, 25x Obsidian


Prosperity Points: 400



Obsidian Hoe:

Materials: 40x Wood, 20x Obsidian


Prosperity Points: 300


Replace your Flint tools with the newly crafted Obsidian versions to enjoy their enhanced durability and performance.



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